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Troye led Connor up towards his room without so much as a second glance towards his siblings, with Sage only gawping and Tyde keeping himself occupied with his shirt as Troye looked in their direction. From what he saw in both of their eyes, they were clearly surprised by Connor's appearance and Troye's eagerness to get him away, but nodded approvingly nonetheless.

Connor's footsteps were hesitant after Troye's as they made their way up the winding stair case, his movements silent until they finally reached Troye's floor. His bedroom door was already open, with only the glow of fairylights in his room as a source of light for the boys to work in.

When Connor tread into the teenagers bedroom, or was rather coaxed inside by Troye, his body was still and breathing quiet. Troye immediately collapsed down onto his bed, retrieving his laptop from the desk nearby and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at Connor when he stayed rooted to the ground.

"I don't bite, Connor."

Connor flushed, embarrassment clearly evident in his features, and Troye couldn't help but snigger at that. He scooted over on the bed to make room for Connor, who sat on the very edge and created a dip in the mattress with his muscular frame.

Troye rolled his eyes, a smirk appearing on his lips as he pulled Connor closer. The other boy yelped out in surprise, the proximity between the both of them closed and Connor's skin redder than ever as he tried to make himself comfortable.

"Can't have you sitting all the way over there, can we?" There was some teasing evident in Troye's tone, and it was clearly having the desired effect on Connor.

Troye wasn't exactly sure when it had occurred to him in the days that had led up to this, Connor being in his room and shaking like a leaf, but it made him realise maybe he had been wrong about him. Maybe he wasn't exactly the boy that Troye had made him out to Caspar and Blessing as being.

Sure, the personality traits he had managed to pull together were pretty accurate, but there was something about Connor that wasn't so well put together, so simple. That much had been made clear after his discussion with Mr Chapman in the psychology classroom.

Troye took a moment to ponder on that as Connor retrieved some school supplies from his bag, his eyebrows furrowed at the mere thought. How had Mr Chapman and Connor even come to holding such an agreement with one another? One that involved Mr Chapman not indulging in Connor's private and apparently 'illegal' life to a member of authority or even the police? Wasn't that what he was supposed to do after all?

Troye let his sight drift over to Connor, who was searching frantically in his pencil case for an eraser of sorts. His black eye was still prominent, even in the subdued lighting, and it only managed to arouse Troye's perplexed thoughts on what had actually happened to the green eyed boy. He didn't seem like the type to get in a fist fight after all, and the current excuses he had presented to both Troye and Mr Chapman were complete bullshit in Troye's eyes.

In fact, Troye had no choice but to physically bite down onto his bottom lip in order not to question Connor about the bruising again. It wasn't even as if he was particularly concerned at the fact the boy had got hurt. He was just curious.

Because damn, Troye was really, really intrigued by Connor all of a sudden and it was kind of scary. He still didn't find him anymore attractive, at least he didn't think he did, but there was something about his personality and mannerisms that was keeping Troye interested. Something about the boy that felt almost intoxicating.

What the hell?

It was only when Connor cleared his throat that Troye realised that he had slipped into a daze, his eyes staring at nothing in particular and overcome with a sense of darkness.

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