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In life, we are constantly told to never judge a book by it's cover. For the contents inside could hold something so much deeper, something so much more significant than the outside could suggest. It's scary in a way, how something that seems so wholesome and put together on it's outer shell, can be so sinister and broken apart on the inner pieces.

Troye Sivan wasn't exactly sure when and how he had become such an open and frank human being. It could've stemmed from the way he was brought up, with the saying 'honesty is the best policy' constantly drummed into his head until it just became a way of living, a rule of his life almost.

Maybe the very reasoning behind it was was because he possessed such a self-assured sense of nature. Maybe it was because he knew that he was destined for great things. Maybe it was just because he had a lot of self love and appreciation, and wasn't afraid to show nor tell anybody about it. Nobody really knew the true answer, least of all himself.

That was probably the reason why Troye was seen as such a 'love him or hate him' kind of guy. Some people couldn't get enough of his brash sense of character, whilst others constantly pleaded with him to be less public, less candid, just less everything. After all, everyone knew everything that there was to know about Troye: he had no secrets, no private life and certainly no shame. He was as unreserved and as confident as they come, and wasn't afraid to tell a single soul just exactly what he thought of them.

Whilst many people could argue that Troye had countless flaws and weaknesses, there was one that stuck out in particular; it was his inability of judging people for not what he saw on the outside, but for what counted on the inside. He was still loved and admired nonetheless, but his backwards way of thinking had always been something that caused him a lot of trouble.

And if only he had known to do such a thing. If only he had known to remove this quality, to actually get to know a person before he passed judgement...it may have prevented him from becoming involved in such a hopeless situation.

One that concerned a certain boy.

A boy he thought he had all figured out, but couldn't be more wrong about.

A boy by the name of Connor Franta.


"Troye, darling, are you aware that those guys have been staring at you for like the last ten minutes?"

Troye glanced upwards, a playful smirk appearing on his lips as he followed the gaze of his best friend.

"They probably just like what they see, Bless."

Blessing rolled his eyes as Troye waved politely, with one of the brunette haired boys shooting back a not so subtle wink from the other side of the classroom.

"Remind me, why am I friends with you again?" Blessing inquired as he saw his friend mouth something towards the other one who had blonde hair, thick glasses and a suggestive smile. "And haven't you hooked up with that guy already?"

Troye turned back to face Blessing, his head cocked to one side.

"Because you love me okay...and have I? I don't really remember."

"Maybe I could rejig your memory;" Blessing sighed as he pulled out his psychology book. "last week? Kian Lawley's house party? You and that guy were all over each other."

"It was only kissing..." Troye trailed off, a sudden look of fear in his eyes "Wasn't it?"

"After Caspar and I managed to separate the both of you, I think so." Blessing shrugged, clearly amused when he noticed his friends sigh of relief. "Why, were you hoping to tick another guy off your drunken conquests list?"

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