Chapter 2

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My auntie sat down beside me and put her arm around me.

"It's ok, you know he's just trying to help?"

"I know but he's being so mean to me, he can help without being mean. I want to be a kid before I turn old and grumpy like him." I moaned.

"Hey!." She laughed "I know but he can't help it... He just thinks he needs to look after yous since.... You know." My auntie said.

"Yea..." I looked to the ground.

"Just forget about it and get ready for school." She said as she hugged me. I walked towards the stairs. They were massive! And it always takes me a long time to get up them. Yes I'm unfit deal with it.
The house was a three story and my room was at the very top so I always get exercise. I ran upstairs and into my room. It's a giant room just like the rest of the rooms. It has a giant fancy sky window.

I lay on my floor for a while just looking at the sky. It felt so peaceful and I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave the warm comfort of my room to the outside world.
I finally decided to get up and actually get ready. I walked towards my walk in wardrobe and put out a outfit. I wear a tight eye blue and white top with some jeans. I noticed the time and realised I only had five minutes. Quickly I put my trainers on., did my hair into a high pony tail with my fringe sticking out. I grabbed my bag and a grey Hoddie and ran downstairs.

"FAITH! HURRY UP!" I heard Alfie shouted at the bottom of the stairs.

"COMING!!" I shouted back.

The house was so big that it took awhile to get from one place to another. I finally got downstairs and saw Alfie and George heading out to Alfie's car.

"Bye honey." My auntie said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye" I said.

I hopped into the back of the car with George. George moved into the middle so he was sitting beside me.
He put he's head on my shoulder as Alfie started to drive off but I can tell you one thing that it was awkward.

We left George off at play school then went to lift Alfie's friend Max. We got to he's house then Alfie beeped the horn and he came running out.

"Hi bro." Max said.

"Hey dude" Alfie replied.

"so how's life?" Max asked

"Ah the same." Alfie looked back at me through the mirror.

I took out my earphones and started listening to music. This was the only time I could escape from reality and forget about everything. The time always flew by when I listen to music so we got to school in no time. Alfie parked the car and we all hopped out.
I walked behind Alfie and Max making sure there a distance between us. We got into school and I went my separate ways.
I was so glad to be away from them. I don't know why but Alfie's alway is an ass towards me now and I just really hate it. Like he try's to help but he just makes it worse.

I sat outside of my form class just waiting for school to start. Since I don't have really any friends I just sat there on my phone listening to music. I saw a gang of my 'old' friends walking past and I got this weird feeling. I never forgived them for what they did and they never thought about how I felt. It's a long story about what happened:

So when my parents died I didn't go into school and they all knew why. They started bitching about me behind my back and saying that she should be glad her parents are gone they were horrible and then they started spearing rumours about me and loads of people just started picking on me and judging me. I then finally had to tell a teacher and they got it sorted out.

My day dreaming got cut off by the bell ringing. I got my bag then walked into class. Here goes a long day of torture from the place we all called school. Sorry I mean hell.


Edited a bit ✔️

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