"That's the thing Darcy. I don't know why I keep coming back. Why do I? You're guess is as good as mine." A small devious smile fell across her lips as she closed the nonexistent space between us.

"Something keeps you coming back Darcy. Something keeps dragging you back to me. Pulling you back to me. Pulling us together."

"So you feel it too? You feel this? Whatever it is? What's keeping me coming back to you? That links us together?" Her eyes were wide as she seemed to be searching if I was lying. God I wish that I was. 

"I feel it,"

"Then I think that we should test it," her eyes sparkled with something that I couldn't place.

"Test wh-," Winnie's angel soft lips lightly caressed mine, molding to my lips perfectly. A low groan escaped the back of my throat and it was all I could do to wave my fingers through her hair. Her hands roamed my back side, feeling the curves of my shoulder blades with her wandering hands. They drifted lower and cupped my butt and I gasped against her lips, new feelings surging throughout my body.  Her fingers crept back up and hesitated on the hemline of my pants and a growl escaped her lips. I gathered her in my arms and pushed her against the wall. Her eyes widened and it was in the moment that I realized what I was doing. I froze.

"Darcy don't...," the sound of my name coming from her lips made an anguished sound escape from somewhere deep inside me.

"Don't say my name like that. In fact, don't ever talk to me again. I don't want to hear your voice or see your face ever again. You are the enemy and I am your hunter and the second that this is over if you aren't dead already, I'll kill you myself. Understand?" Fear crept into her eyes and I couldn't seem to suppress the feeling of guilt that was currently weighing me down.  Forcing myself to walk away, I turned from the room and made my way out to the forest. I needed to be alone now, and the only place that seemed to be able to comfort me these days was the tall looming trees that my enemies called home. It wasn't particularly safe for me to be out there alone, but now that was exactly where I wanted to be, so of course I couldn't be stopped. Running always seemed to calm me, albeit not as much as it calmed Lucie but I'd soon be a liar if I said that the forest didn't hold some sort of power over me, that helped ease my nerves.  

I must have been so caught up in my thoughts that I lost track of where I was going. I stopped, doing a three-sixty trying to figure out where I was. There were no obvious paths around me and I nearly groaned when I couldn't see the house anywhere in sight. Guess I better start backtracking now. I crouched down and looked for footprints, broken tree branches, or any other distinct markings that would show me which way I had come from. 

I heard a sound to my right and I turned towards the sound, fingering the double edged blade at my side. 

"That won't help you now son," three voices echoed at once. 

"Who are you?"



"Have you ever heard the saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" A deep voice asked, his voice ringing with power.

"And which enemy of mine do we share?"

"A girl, about 5'7 black hair, gray eyes... werewolf? Ring any bells?"


"And we have a winner!" A second voice called out, the presumed man stepping out of the shadows, a demented grin on his face. 

"I think this boy deserves a prize what do you say Dion?" I felt the air leave my breath in a whoosh. Dion. Alpha Dion. One of the many Alpha's that Lucie had supposedly killed. I knew she had killed some because I had witnessed her kill them with my own two eyes. But if this werewolf was still alive, how many other werewolves that Lucie has supposedly killed actually been left alive?

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