Update I guess

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So I guess I should update on my summer cause I want to and stuff. Also Berryleaf mentioned I was having some struggles and thank you btw.

So basically I've just been feeling down and stressed out about relationship stuff and I was depressed, but I'm starting to feel a lot better and more like myself.

Sorry to the rest of you guys that I didn't talk to you about it, I was just really busy this summer and had a lot on my mind.

Aside from the sad stuff, I had fun going to drama camp at USM. It's called the USM Academy of Theatre Arts. Probably the most fun thing I'll be doing this summer.

Next week I'll be getting new glasses and I'm going to an outdoor concert type thing that's supposed to be fun.

Right now I'm at a friends basketball game and I'm spending the weekend over at her house. Hopefully her team wins.

Anyway thank you to all of my friends on this account. You guys are hilarious and awesome so thank you. I hope your summers are going well


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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