A date with Chloe?

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                            Chapter Ten

“Uh excuse me?” I stare at Kate in disbelief.

“Think about it, you’re their neighbor”

I know I’m their neighbor but they could be singing about Angel, right? I know for a fact that we didn’t have teens in any homes unless they are secretly crushing on Mrs. Williams, who is way over forty years old. I shiver at that thought.

“Remember what Drew said, Wes and Keaton thought of the idea” Kate tries to persuade me but I refuse to believe it.

“It could be about Angel, ever think about that?” I say as I plop a French fry into my mouth that I forced Kate to purchased.

“Yeah, but your way better than that low life” She nods her head in satisfaction and I reply in a nod as well. Wouldn’t the sisterly thing to do is back up Angel for someone calling her a low-life? Yeah no, think again. She never once defended me in anything, not even when I forgot to clean my chore when I was studying hard in my bedroom.  So why would anyone expect me to do the opposite.

“You did great dude” A voice booms throughout the restaurant and I notice Keaton getting a bunch of slaps on the back. Keaton even fist bumps some of the guys that surround him while girls that have nothing better to do, swoon over him from a distance.

He must love the attention.

He tilt his head up showing a clear view of his white hat that says meow in black letters, and his eyes widen at the sight of me. I wiggle my fingers at him then quickly turn away resuming eating the extra salty French fries.

“Chloe?” Someone says behind me, I swerve my body to get a view of who called me.

“Oh, hey Wesley”

“What are you doing here?” He examines me head to toe from where I am sitting.

“Just wanted these nasty fries” I make a disgusting face that causes Wes to laugh. “I swear, it’s just a potato with whatever they found on the floor, it doesn’t deserve to be called French Fries”

“That was an attractive face” My cheeks turn red in less than a second from his comment.


“No problem gorgeous” He winks at me. Did he call me gorgeous? He does know that I’m wearing a sweatshirt and my hair is really sloppy.

Kate glances at me then to Wesley, an evil grin appears on her lips. “you guys keep doing what you’re doing, I’m going to” She looks at the French fries and takes a hold of the basket “Get a refund on these whatever they are” She takes off away from the table leaving us alone.  

“I like your friend” Wesley chuckles under his breath.

“She is amazing isn’t she? Got the best timing ever.” I say in a sarcastic tone. There is an awkward silence that I want to end. “So, I really like the song”

“You did?” A red streak appears on his cheeks.

“Yeah, I did” I smile back at him. “I should get home, don’t want my mom to killing me before I’m 18” I lift my butt off the seat and brush by Wesley but I’m stopped by Wesley grabbing my arm.

“Got plans tomorrow?”

“Not that I know of” I take a deep breath. “Why?”

“You got plans now, I’ll drop by around 1 to get you” He loosens his grip and lets go and prepares to walk away “Wear your bathing suit” then I lose him in the crowd.

Did he just ask me out on a date?


It’s currently 12:30 a.m. I was attempting at picking out an outfit to wear for my supposedly date. I slept restless last night, turning and rolling every minute on my bed got really annoying. I just couldn’t get over the fact that I’m possibly going on a date with Wes, if he doesn’t stand me up.

I chose wisely and picked up my pastel pink two piece bikini to go under my loose white t-shirt and light blue booty shorts. After being satisfied with my outfit, I went ahead and did my hair.

I stared at my reflection deciding if I should keep my hair down or pull it up. I grasp onto my hair and lifted it up and down making up my mind how I should do it.

“What are you doing?” Angel steps through the bathroom door.

“Come right in, not like i need my privacy”

“You didn’t answer my question, what are you doing?” She scans what im doing with my hair. 

“What does it look like? I’m trying to figure out if I should wear a pad or tampon?” She rolls her icy cold blue eyes at me, and then steps behind me grabbing my hair. I flinch at her hold; I thought she was going to rip out my hair right off my scalp.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like? I’m trying to figure out if I should wear a pad or tampon” She mocks my voice in an annoying tone.

“Hey!” I try to slap her but she yanks my hair and I lift my hands up in surrender.

“Hold still” She moves my dark brown hair in a position she likes, and clips in a white heart on the back of my hair. I look into the mirror, afraid if she put my hair up like a clown. Instead, it actually looks perfect, my hair pulled back in a side ponytail with the white clip holding loose strands to the side of my head.

“Thanks” I move my hair side to side; I admire my hair, I wouldn’t ever be able to pull this off without mountains on my head.

“Stop staring at your hair like that, I only put it in a side pony tail, I didn’t curl it or anything” She smirks at my reaction and leaves the bathroom with her head held high.

The doorbell rings from door stairs and I let out a loud “eepp” and stroll down stairs, trying to hold back my excitement. My smile on my face turns upside down when I see Angel flirting with Wesley in front of me.

“You look good Wes” She checks him out from his red Vans shoes to his dark brown hair peeking out of his white hat, But she was right, he does look great, He has dark blue jeans on with a red tight shirt and you can see his muscles bulging out.

He sees me past Angel and a smile tugs at his lips. “Ready?”

“Ready for what? “Angel asks clearly confused then looks at me and back to Wes.

“Come on, Chloe, we got a big active day planned out” At his words, I stroll by a speechless Angel and end up on Wes’s side. Angel sends me an evil glare, well there goes that somewhat bonding in the bathroom.

“You’re taking her out?” Her lips tighten and I can’t help but want to smile.

“Yeah, it was good talking to you Angel, but we really got to get out of here” He takes my hand and guides me towards his car that is parked in the middle of my driveway.

“Why didn’t you just leave your car in your driveway, you live right there” I point at his house exactly right beside mine.

“What kind of gentlemen would I be if I did that?”  I blush and hide my face from him and climb into his car.

“So what did you have in mind for the day?” I ask when I finish clicking the seatbelt over my chest.

“You like the water right?” He says with a wide smile on his precious face. 

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