Chapter 4

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It has been 2 ½ months since Lucy had disappeared. And Erza had a feeling that Lucy's near, she could feel it. Natsu and Gray were a handful as they continued bickering. However, it ended with Erza punching them senseless.

"Natsu. Gray. How many times do I have to say NOT TO FIGHT!?" Erza had been on the edge lately. Every day, they failed to pick up the scent of Lucy, or any trails of Lucy's whereabouts. But Erza has a feeling that she is close. She can feel it.

"Natsu. Gray. Stop fighting, or I will kill you." Erza glared at the boys murderously as the boys hugged each other, sweating bullets.


Erza sighed. Lucy...where are you? We're coming...I'm coming.

"Erza liiiikes her." Happy catcalled, and soon to be punches in the face by an angry redhead.


Lucy panted. Raven had said that her magical reserve were now big enough to be using Lost Magic. Since then, using the Lost Magic is surprisingly hard. But Lucy had been getting the hang of it.

"Good. Now try to set that tree on fire. Using your sword I had given you." Raven ordered.

"But, wouldn't that catch the entire forest on fire." Lucy asked.

"If you use your magic quickly, you can stop it." Raven responded, with her arms crossed, and leaning against a tree.

Lucy sighed, taking a deep breath. She raised her sword and focused her magic to it, "Upgrade: Fire."

The sword erupted in flames. It didn't bother Lucy, since it was her magic. It was similar to how the flames don't effect Natsu. Lucy lashed forward and brought the sword down at the tree, setting it on fire.

"Great. Now take the fire out with water."

Lucy groaned. Her magic was hallway drained. She focused her magic again, "Upgrade: Water". Her sword now became water. Lucy swung her sword and the water splashed on the burning water.

"Nice. You're approving fast. It's time for one last step." Raven smirked. Her plan was close to being completed.

Lucy fell to the ground. "Even though I'm out of magic?" Lucy panted.

"Yes. I had already taught you to summon your celestial spirits without your keys. That already takes a little bit more magic. I've taught you Celestial fusion. And now I had taught you Exaltation Reaper. I wouldn't say that you had master it yet. But you got the basics down. Now there is one last step."

Lucy sighed. "Can I take a break first?"

"I don't see why not." Raven said.

Lucy fell backwards, gazing at the sky. Lucy does feel like she had gotten stronger. But why does she have a bad feeling about this?

I...wonder how they've been doing. Even though they had kicked me out... But...I still can't help but wonder...

Raven kept her position against the tree, studying the blonde, anxious for her plan to be set in motion. Then a familiar shadow made itself known.

"Raven." The voice whispered. "They are close. You should have about 30 minutes before they arrive."

"That too close! Why didn't you alert me earlier!?" Raven harshly whispered back.

"I have no excuse." The voice replied.

Raven sighed. "Fine. Just keep them at bay, until I finish the ceremony."

"Very well." The voice replied before disappearing.

Raven needed to finish the ceremony now...or it will be too late.

"Lucy. Break's done. Let's move on to the next step." Raven has no choice but to rush it...

"Already?" Lucy whined.

"This will make you ten times stronger, and your magic reserve will expand." Raven lied.

"I see." Lucy got up. "What do I have to do?"

"Give me your sword." Raven ordered.

Lucy complied and handed Raven her sword. Raven grabs it and studies it...and walked toward Lucy.

"Lucy. I must say thanks. You're magic reserve is now big enough for me to use." Raven smirked evilly.

Lucy blinked.

Before she could do or say anything, Raven struck Lucy in the stomach with the sword. "Don't worry. I casted magic onto the sword, making sure that you will not die from this." Raven chuckled evilly.

Lucy choked and went to grab the sword sticking in her. "What is...the meaning of this?"

"If you take the sword out, you'll die. I casted magic on it, 'Upgrade: Heal' so if you don't want to die, keep it in there." Raven smirked.

"Raven...what...are you doing?" Lucy heaved, falling to her knees.

"Lucy. Honestly. Did you really think that it was your friends that had kicked you out?" Raven smirked evilly.

Lucy heaved heavily, as the words sunk in. " mean..."

Raven smirked. "I casted a spell on them without them knowing. I needed you...your celestial magic. I casted a spell on them, making them my temporary soldiers and had them try to make you run away. Man it was so easy! You are just a weakling!" Raven started laughing menacingly.

Lucy trembled. was all...fake...Natsu...Gray...Erza...never really said those thing? Lucy coughed up blood and fell to her side.

"Now, all I needed to do was to expand your magic reserve for me to I can destroy Fairy I can destroy the I can destroy everybody." Raven laughed evilly.

Lucy panted heavily. "You...why are you doing this?" Lucy hoarsely asked.

"That will not matter. You will soon die anyway. Everybody will be dead."

Lucy glared weakly at Raven. "You're better than this..."

Raven frowned, then smirked. "Is that so?" Raven walked over to the bleeding blonde and takes out the impaled sword impaling Lucy and kicked Lucy in the wound as hard as she could.

Lucy was sent couple meters away, and landed on her stomach. Her wound was bleeding faster. Then her hand was grabbed by Raven and was being dragged to somewhere.

Raven dragged Lucy to the center of the clearing and had Lucy lay on her stomach. Raven casted some more magic onto the sword, and impaled Lucy in the back, causing Lucy to scream bloody murder.

"Can't have you dying on me now..." Raven smirked.

The ground beneath Lucy begun to be soaked in Lucy's blood. Then the ground begun to tremble, and a magic circle appeared around Lucy, with Lucy as the source of the magic circle.

Raven grinned evilly, as her plan was nearly complete.

"Raven...I know...that you are...better than...this..." Lucy coughed.

Raven knelt next to Lucy so she could see her. "Lucy dear. I will be so kind to let you live...and let you watch as I kill your friends...your guild...and you'll be the last to die." Raven leered.

"I...won't let you get away with this!" Lucy coughed out more blood.

"With your injuries and with you magic drained, what can you possibly do?" Raven stood back up.

Lucy was already becoming hard to breathe. Her sight dimming. " need me alive, right?" Lucy panted.

Raven looked at the bleeding blonde. "Yes."

Lucy closed her eyes. She couldn't let this happen. She has to do something. She has to remove the sword...and allow herself to bleed to seems that it would be the only way.

A/N: 👀

Please review and comment on your thoughts. I don't bite~


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