Chapter 11

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Opening my eyes, I sat up. I checked the time, 11a.m. I walked into the shower and wondered what to say to Miles and Shelby. I still can't believe they're not human. I'm not surprised, they are all too good looking to be human. Now what should I wear? I really want to get there soon so I threw some things toghther. Actually I should take my time dressing up so I don't look like a tramp compared to Shelby. I decided to wear jeans, stripped off shoulder top and timberland boots.

"Sit down Kira ,I'll call Shelby Miles is just finishing off his job." I sat uncomfortably. Chase stood then broke the silence, " How did you sleep?" " Chase, I just found out you're not human and all you can ask me is that." He moved closer to me now making me sweat. He breathed " What did you want me to ask?" Our face were so close it was unsettling. My mind was flittering everywhere, I couldn't help but look in his eyes. It was calling me, literally repeating my name. I leaned in closing my eyes again and then asked what I always wanted to ask him "Are you well educated?" He gave me this confused look 😒. Well who knows how long they have been around. Just then Shelby walked in- no she cat walked in. A sly smile was spreading slowly across her face. I knew what she was going to ask me. "Did you guys make out?" My face turned bright red. Chase cleared his voice and put his serious face on "Shelby she knows our... difference." Her eyes widened, that seemed to have shut her up.

He walked casually out of the room leaving us in silence. She sat down with me , "So you know what we are, you know I'm a siren." I nodded and she gasped" Why are you so surprised, it's not like I'm going to run away or anything."

"Did Chase tell you, I mean how did you find out?" " Well I went to get some air when I saw Chase as well, not human, he was about to kill me but he snapped out. He told me what you were." She nodded then suddenly got excited "Chase is so in love with you you're the only person he's opened up to." I blushed but didn't deny it. " Come on I want to go shopping...for you."

" Chase we're going out but we'll be back to talk about you know what." Shelby quickly went to get dressed and I sneaked into kitchen and kissed him on the cheek. He gave me a wink but it kinda creeped me out because it was the kind of wink that your uncle Pete would give you. What is going on with me today?? Just then Miles walked in and joined the awkward silence. "Well I'm just gonna get a snack, he then gave  me a friendly wink 😉 which was sooo obvious. Before I knew it Chase tackled Miles to the floor.

Shelby walked in and saw them fighting then rolled her eyes, "What are they fighting about?" Unfortunately Miles beat me to it "I came home wanting a snack and found them two having an awkward moment so-."I wanted to change the subject  so I mentioned shopping.

"Come on then let's go." We walked toward my car and I drove away not noticing someone was following us.

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