Chapter 5

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Walking through the woods, an unsettling silence between Chase and I. "Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you!" exclaimed Chase " Why should I listen to what you have to say?" I questioned He raised his eyebrow, rolling my eyes. I closed them gently. "Where are you taking me?" No answer.

"You can open your eyes now." Opening my eyes I saw a crystal clear river with a beautiful view. I gasped "How did you find this place, it's beautiful." He smiled " Want to go for a swim" I blushed

Me swimming in my undies with Chase... I really can't imagine that, or can I?

"I don't know but you only live once so I might as well." Removing my skirt, Chase watched me happily undress. I had to make sure I hadn't done anything to embarrass myself unless thing would have gotten... awkward. I took off my top then joyfully watched Chase take off his top which reviled a hot muscly stomach. " Ready?" I nodded He grabbed my hand and 3.2.1 SPLASH. I fell into the warm crystal clear water. " You have quite a splash there." " Whatever!" Throwing water at me he gave me a sly smile and got my hair wet. HE.DID.NOT.JUST.DO.THAT! Furious we had a water fight that lasted ages until the sun started to set.

" I had a great time Chase, thanks for bringing me here." He looked into my eyes "Why did you start crying before?" I sat up straight. " I've never really told anyone about my parents but.." He nodded a little which meant for m to carry on. " My parents started having arguments, I didn't know why but whatever it was, it was big. My dad even started hitting-" Tears welled up in my eyes and my throat started to feel sore. Chase took me in his arm and embraced me. I could hear his heart beat so quickly it was.. abnormal " M-my mum got a black eye and so did my dad, she even told him that he should leave and never come back. I was trying to stop them but-" Chases muscles flexed and he replied "Did they-" " No, they didn't; my grades were under performance and I just couldn't take any of it anymore so I left." " I came here for a new start and then I met you guys." "I'm so sorry Kira, I promise I won't let anything or anyone hurt you because I-" Was he about to say he loved me?

He stood up! " Damn it Chase, damn it!" He shouted " What's wrong Chase?" He looked at me, his once blue eyes were now stormy grey. My breath quickened as I noticed this. " Get out Kira, just get out of my life, I wish I never met you!" My eyes filled with tears as I heard this " Chase?" He turned his head away from me. I cried then I ran. Ran all the way home, never looking back.

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