I shove Austin, "I'll tell you once I know babe, see you tomorrow."

I run off ignoring Austin's protests. I had to shake Kellic out of my head. Vic was happy with Danielle, but then why did he invite Kellin? I get to the bus in no time and fling open the door nearly colliding with Mike and Tony.

"Hold your horse's sis, what's the rush?"

"Is Kellin here yet? I need my Quinn time."

Mike nods and parts so I can scramble onto the bus. But before he and Tony can scarper off together I decide to mess with their heads.

"Where are you lovebirds off to?"

The looks on their faces were priceless, maybe I'd caught them in the act. Tony glances at Mike with pleading eyes which were kind of adorable, Tony was clearly the bottom.

"Err I'm going to hang out with All Time Low and Tony wants to check out some of the new bands."

I had to give Mike props for coming up with something on the spot. I wouldn't mind if they were secretly hooking up because they both seemed happiest when around each other.

"Well have fun you two, don't do anything crazy."

I wiggle my eyebrows before shutting the bus door in their faces. A pair of hands covers my eyes from behind making me jump out of my skin.

"That wasn't very nice little Fuentes, you scared the poor boys."


I squeal and slap his hands away before turning and jumping into his arms. Kellin laughs and spins me around the lounge.

"Horizon I've missed you so much, we need to hang out more. And now I'm here."

"Excuse me Kellin but can you put her down, you nearly hit me with her legs. Tell them Vic."

Of course, Danielle had to put a damper on things, I loved her but she didn't like to have fun with me. Kellin rolls his eyes and I smack him across the back of the head as he lowers me down.

"Danielle long time no see, how's the modelling going?"

Danielle smiles and gets up to hug me.

"It's great Horizon, how are you coping? I haven't seen you since before you were admitted to rehab. Anyway, Vic and I are going on a walk."

I tense and lock eyes with Vic over her shoulder, he mouths 'I'm sorry' and I smile weakly before releasing Danielle.

"I'm great, no longer hooked on cocaine, in fact, I have a boyfriend."

"That's good Horizon but remember old habits die hard, hopefully, this new boyfriend keeps you on a tighter leash. I don't want another phone call off Vic panicking because you stole money from him. Now we really must go, come on Vic."

Danielle grabs Vic's hand and all but drags him off the bus before he could talk to me. She didn't have a filter when it came to other people's emotions. She couldn't see that I was clearly better, and the fact she had the nerve to bring up the time I stole money from Vic.

"Horizon don't believe her she's wrong. Come here, she's a bitch."

Kellin snaps me out of my own head and pulls me into a bear hug, we sit down on the sofa and he pulls me onto his lap. I couldn't keep the tears back and start to cry.

"Maybe this is all an act Kellin, I could be doing drugs behind everyone's back. I mean Vic thought I was when I hung out with some other band members. I also kind of think she's a bitch sometimes."

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن