Where's Daddy

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Isabella's view
I woke up very early. I was hugging Uncle Con. I don't know where daddy is. I haven't seen him for ages and I miss him so much. I just want to hug him and know that he is ok. Uncle Con started moving around and then sat up. "What's up pumpkin?" He asked looking down at me. "Where's Daddy?" I asked. "Let me go and get Uncle James and Uncle Tristan." He smiled and got out off the bed. He left the room but soon he came back in with Uncle James and Uncle Tris. "What's up cutie?" Uncle James asked. "Where's Daddy?"
I asked again with water in my eyes. Uncle Tris picked me up and then sat me on his lap. "Your daddy has been busy. Even we haven't seen him but he will be ok." He smiled at me.

"When will I get to see him again?" I asked. "Soon." Uncle Con smiled. Uncle James then took a photo with just me and him.

James' view
I'll send the photo to Brad she's upset and wants to see him. Maybe the person who has him will give up and let us have him back.

To Brad
Hey man Izzy misses you so much. Person that has him please give him back. He doesn't deserve any off this. He hasn't done anything to harm anyone. Please just let him go. We're all worried and Izzy has found out he has gone. Just give him back. Please don't hurt him

Tristan's view
I wanted to text Brad but I don't know if he'll have his phone or not. Izzy has just asked me and the boys loads off questions about where he is and even we want to know the real answers. I decided to text him to see if they answer.

To Brad
Hey where are you? Izzy's scared so much about you. She keeps asking questions that even we want to know the answer to. Please text me back it you get this

Connors view
I needed to text Brad. Maybe the person that has him would give him back. But probably not as he was kidnapped. I pulled out my phone and text him straight away.

To Brad
Hey bro. Please answer we're all scared. Izzy has found out that you have gone missing and is now asking loads off questions that even we don't know the answer to. Mate please answer us

From Brad
Get all your friends to stop texting this number. I'm 14 years old. This is no one called Brad and I'm a GIRL! Get it in your thick brains that who ever your trying to talk to won't answer. So stop messaging this number or I will call the police on you

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