Drugs, Car Crash And Broken Arms

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James' view
Once we all got into the car Izzy passed out. None of us knew why tho. We drove to the hospital but on our way some stupid man drove into the van. I was sat there with a piece of glass in my arm, I didn't pull it out because it would've bleed loads so I just left it. Con had also black out the same as Izzy. Brad and Tris had glass in their arms and Brads looked broken. Joe was fine. Soon an ambulance came and we were all rushed to the same hospital. We got taken into different rooms and people rushed around us. They pulled the piece of glass out my arm and stitched it up. After they finished they put it in a cast over the stitches.

Brads view
I was in a white room at the dull hospital. My arm was in a full arm cast. Izzy was in the same room as me laying dead still with her chest moving up and down every so often. She looked lifeless. I hated seeing my little monkey in this state. The door opened snapping me out of my daze. A doctor walked in with James and Tris following but Con was in a wheelchairs still blacked out from the crash. "Mr Simpson am I right to say your Isabella's father?" He asked. "Yes." I stated. "Well Mr Simpson. Isabella has had some sort off drugs put into a drink and it has effected her heart a little bit. But there's nothing to worry about she will not die put she may have pains through her life." He explained and I nodded. Suddenly Izzy's little body moved. She slowly sat up and looked around the room. "D-Daddy are you there?" She stuttered. "Yes monkey I'm here don't worry." I smiled getting up and walking over to her. Just as I was hugging her I released all of us had casts on our arms.

(This is what they look like)

(This is what they look like)

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Connors view
I suddenly woke up in a white room. Maybe I was dreaming. "Cons awake!" I heard Tris yell. I looked around the room and in here was Brad, James, Tris, Joe and Izzy. Joe looked perfectly fine but everyone else had a cast on. "Are you ok?" James asked pulling me into a hug. "Yeah kinda man." I said. "Oh and Mr Simpson Isabella may have seizures just make sure she drinks things you make for her. No one else can make them other then Mr Ball, Mr McVey and Mr Evans." The doctor smiled and walked out. We all got out off the room and finally got to go home after a very long day. "Beautiful do you wanna watch a film?" Brad asked. "Yes." She smiled tucking her head into his chest. I feel so sorry for this beautiful young girl. She is the sweetest little thing ever and she has to suffer. She hasn't seen her bestest friend Emily as she calls her. "Can I have a drink pwease?" She asked. I slowly got up out my seat and got her a cup of milk. I walked back to the front room and she was sound asleep in Brads arms. I just burst into tears because they all looked so badly hurt.

Brads view
Con was crying and James was hugging him. I went onto twitter and tweeted. @TheVampsBrad: So today me @TheVampsJames @TheVampsCon and @TheVampsTristan we're in a car crash with my little girl. Some bad things have happened and in result of the car crash we all having broken arms. We will still be our normal selves just a little more careful. I hope you all understand xxxxx

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