How do we stop this

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Brad's view
Joe opened the white door that stood in front of us. "Yeah?" He asked. "Joe we need to talk to you about something really important." Con smiled. "Come in." He smiled moving out off the way so we could walk into his and Deans room. "What is it boys?" Joe asked. "Well something has been happening to Brad. He won't tel Khoi so we dragged him. And if he doesn't tell you then we will have to tell you." James said. "Brad?" Joe asked looking at me with full attention. "Well Poppy has been texting me. Threatening to kill us all. She said she would kill Izzy." I said looking down at the floor while a tear slipped down my face. "Where is Izzy now?" He asked panic in his voice. "She's with Tris in mine and Cons room." I said. "Right we need to sort this out. First things first we can not tell the fans or anyone who can spread it because we don't need that." Dean said. "Right well call the police and tell them. They can try and help us." Joe explained. I looked down at my lap and a stream off tears flooded out off my brown eyes. "Brad we will keep her safe. All of you will be safe. But the problem is she probably knows where we are because off the fans. Just keep happy and stay strong through this Brad. We know this is really hard. Your 19 and a dad to a 3 year old who's getting death threats off her mum who's also sending them to you and the boys. We can't tell anyone about this because then she might actually do something since what she has done to Izzy before." Joe said. I stood up and was about to run and try to get away from in all when Con stopped me. "You can't run from this. People will see you crying and come to conclusion. Then Poppy will know she's getting to you and affecting you. That's what she wants it for attention. You have everything loads off people want. A really pretty little girl, being famous, having your best friends with you everywhere you go." Con said.

"Just stay with us and we can get through all off this together. None off us should suffer alone we're like brothers." James smiled pulling me into a side hug and so did Con. "Bye Joe. We will talk to you later about it all." They both said together like it was planned or something.

We got back to our room to find Izzy playing with her teddy and Tris playing with her. I took a quick photo without them seeing and put it on twitter.

@TheVampsBrad: Went out with Con and James and came back to this. So cute. Tris really looks like my baby girls uncle.

They all retweeted it and liked it. Tris commented on the photo. @TheVampsTristan: She's so cute. Oh Brad the amount off photos I have on my phone that you don't know about. Maybe these lovely people would like to see them. Maybe the one of you with bed hair 🤔

I looked over at him and he laughed at me. "Did you see what Tris replied to on Brad's tweet?" Con asked James causing him to nod his head. "I would love to see these photos Tris." Connor said. "It was a beautiful Tradley moment. Way to ruin it guys." I laughed. "Daddy I'm bored and Uncle Tristan smells really bad like a fish out of it's home." She said. "Do you mean out off water beautiful?" I asked stirring her on my lap. "They don't live in water because they don't live in my drink." She giggled. "No they live in the rivers or the sea." Con explained. "Oh then yeah I meant that." She giggled once again but this time resting her head onto my chest. "Love you daddy." She smiled looking up at me. "Love you too monkey." I smiled looking into her brown eyes. After about 3 minutes we all put Frozen on for Izzy. It was very funny because we were dancing and singing along to all of the songs. I swear if Dean got any off this on camera then we would all die because everyone would just laugh at us. But the thing is I don't care if they laugh because we're looking after Izzy of course we're not gunna be moody and leave her to do it by herself. In this situation we all stand together. Like the boys said we need to keep everyone happy so no one panics. We don't need anymore panicking in our life there's too much of it already. I just want everyone else to be happy even tho I'm not happy I want the people around me to be happy.

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