The house

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March 10,2006

"Hey Hope." I looked up.

"Hi Max."

"I have a question."

"What is it?"

"I don't know how my brothers are going to take this but your dad."

"Which one?"

"Haha very funny, your real one."

"Go on." He looked nervous. This man is never nervous.

"Well he called your phone and I answered it and said my name and he knew who I was and now he wants to come her for a couple days he doesn't want to wait months." I really wanted to smack him now.

"So what's the question?"

"Do you think Josh is going to be ok with your dad here?"

"He might be but I'll ask him, because I love ya so much."

"Thank you."

"When is he coming?"

"In a month."

"I got to go look at my dream house now!" I said as I was walking away.

"Have fun."

"I will." Ug not.

"Ready to go love?" I look and saw a love bite on his neck.


In the car.

"So I was wondering."


"You never got to meet my real dad know that I think about it."

"Okay so?"

"I want to know why people say my dad and I are alike. When I haven't met the guy."

"Hope what are you saying?"

"I want to meet him and I want you there when I do."

"Oh of course I will."

"Thank you."

"Okay we are here."

"Wow." Was all I could say.

 "It might look small on the out side, but it is big on the inside

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"It might look small on the out side, but it is big on the inside."

"I believe you don't worry I all ready like it." We started walking up the stairs to the main door. We walked in side into a big room.

"This is the living room."

"Wow it's so nice."

"Okay now come this way." We walked into another big room. The dining room. And he kept walking into the next and the next then we finally got up stairs.

Hope Is all I NeedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora