Dance 7

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March 3, 2006
I woke up and flipped out. I was in a bed, but not my bed. The bed was as hard as a rock. With maybe dark blue sheets. I looked around and saw a boy maybe my age a little older. He had brown hair brown eyes. He was making the only light in the room. Holding the door open with his right foot.

"Hey beautiful." I got up and walked close to the wall. Farthest away from him.

"Who are you?" He looked like he wanted to come closer but didn't know. A shocked expression on his face.

"I'm Nick your Mate." He said with confidence, yet hinting at some sort of sadness.

"No you your not." I said stuttering, but giving it my all.

"Baby don't worry. Look I got to go get ready for a meeting, but I will be back in two hours."

He came over to me and let the ropes on my arms come off. Then he went to the metal door, where he shut it with a lock. After he left I got up and started to walk around this place. It looks like our old house. Of course all the exits were all locked they don't want me to run and tell. Soon a woman came in wearing a gown.

"Luna here is your food." It looked good. Looked like chicken chili.

"Um thank you, but please don't call me Luna." She set my food down then went to the door. Grabbing the side that looked normal.

"Why are you wearing a gown?"
She smiled at me.

"Luna it's what we wear here. Alpha can explain more to you. Yours is in the corner whenever you want to get dress." Then she left, with a forced smile on her face.

I went to get you to look at it. It was a long white dress. I will say it was pretty, just not something I would wear. I looked over and saw some books I went ahead a grabbed one to read. It didn't have a tittle. It was dark blue, with gold flowers all over it. I opened to the first page and the first word was.

Run, don't look back. The Alphas have something planed for you. Run, run as fast as you can. To them it's a game. A really messed up game. They want to see you get hurt and fall. But we will be strong. Fight for your Mate, for all is true. Be strong my dear. Hope read this book good and you will fight. I love you my daughter. My beautiful Cinderella.
Love mom.

( two hours latter )
I still didn't put the dress on. It just doesn't look comfortable. It looks like it would cut off all blood to my body.
I was laying in bed reading when he came in.

"Hey beautiful, Can you help me?" He walked closer to me. Unbuttoning his jacket.

"With what?" I had no idea why he would think for a second I would help him with anything.

"Taking all of this off, its to tight for me to get off." He turned around so I was looking at his back.

"No I can't." I pushed him away from me. Putting my hand up to put in some distance.

"And why not?" He turned around grabbing my arm, not going to lie it hurt.

"Because I am not your mate and I want to go home." I wanted to cry. But the book said to never cry it makes you look weak. And that is one thing I always struggled in.

"But you are home baby." He tried to touch my face. He really does not know how to comfort people.

"No home is with Josh and my cousins." He let go of me and looked me in the face. His eyes wanting to go black.

"Baby who is Josh?" He said grabbing my arm tighter, making it turn purple.

"My mate." I said close to his face.

"You mean that kid who kidnaped you 5 years ago." He said laughing.

"What?" I tried to pull my arms away. Not being able to feel anything.

"Your Dad the Alpha and your mother the Luna were so in love. Then they had you a beautiful daughter. So they came in at night took you, and your mom. We still have not found your mom and for that I am sorry."

"That's not true at all." All I wanted was for him to leave so I could cry or try to link.

"How do you know that babe?" He finally let go and I grabbed my sore arm.

"Because I saw the man that killed her, and we barred her under her favorite tree."

"Maybe you need some rest baby girl." He finally let go.

"Stop calling me babe and no." I grabbed the pillow and got onto the bed so I was away from him.

"Why?" He grabbed the door.

"Because I don't like it." He smiled at me. He changed his face to a playful one.

"Ok beautiful." This is even worse.

"No my name is Cindy." I said quietly.

"I thought your name is Hope." I shook my head.

"I don't like being called that."

"So than can I call you Cind." I made a gross face. He slowly walked from the door to me. Someone bipolar much.

"No." Than he got in bed with me.

"Could you not." I tried to put the pillow in the middle of me and him.

"We are mates we sleep together." He tried to take it from me.

"Well this one doesn't." I moved as far away from him as I could, almost falling off the bed.

"And why is that?"

"Because I don't like people touching me." Witch is true I hate being touched by anyone.

"Babe." He laughed taking the pillow from me and lay im ng with it.

"Don't babe me." Than he grabbed me.

"Look at me. I know you are not my true mate, she died a long time ago, but you dear have no choice, but to be with me. Your mate is dead and so you have no choice but to be with me."

If he died I would have felt it I would have been in pain I would have the mark of the unmated. I don't I have his mark which tells me no one killed him, which means he will come save me, like he always does. I just have to keep up with what they say, little things are clues. I don't want him to save me I want him to save our baby. I still can't believe it. I wonder if it is going to be a girl or a boy. I'm not going to lie I always wanted a boy first. I put my hands over my stomach. Please Max find us. I no your thinking why am I not asking for Josh. Well Josh can never think in a crisis. Max on the other hand can.

Hope Is all I NeedWhere stories live. Discover now