Chapter 20

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~Allie's POV~

I can't deal with how early it is, 4am I don't even think i've ever seen that on a clock before but here I am sat in an airport looking at the clock and there it is. I have already devoured 5 cups of coffee, from Costa not Starbucks we're cool, and I am still falling asleep in this rock hard piece of plastic they have called a chair, Emily is off buying more food and has left me here on my own with all the bags so falling asleep isn't really the best thing to do. "Flight 432 to Sydney, boarding now" the voice over said in the weird cracking, hard to understand way that you usually hear, "time to board our first plane...excited?" Emily said worriedly "we will be fine, i'm planning on sleeping on the first trip anyway" and we made our way through the gate and onto the plane.

"omg people are sat in our seats, what do we do?" I asked Emily worriedly, "Just ask them to move" she said calmly, "what no, I can't do that, you know I can't" I was panicking now talking to adults I didn't know was not my strong point especially if I had tto start the talking first. Emily pushed me a little and started talking to the people in our seats and they kindly apologized and moved out of the way, I thanked them by nodding and took the window seat, popped in my earphones and drifted off into the land of dreams to 'wherever you are'.

~Emily's POV~

The plane isn't as scary as I thought, I'm actually quite enjoying it especially the guys sat in front of us, they were smoking! did I really just use that phrase?!?! oh dear, never again. I know I'm with Michael but there is no harm in checking out the view, especially if i'm never going to see them again. Allie was sleeping next to me so I took the opportunity to take a picture and then I drew a moustache on her, she would kill me but it's totally worth it, now to scroll through the endless list of films to watch on the little T.V's in the seats. I chose Easy A because it is a brilliant film and if I was into ladies, Emma Stone would be on my list of wives, she's funny and absolutely stunning, you can't disagree.A while later my eyes started to close slowly and I gave in and slept until the journey was over and we had to switch planes.

The next plane journey was boring and consisted of listening to music and wanting to get to Sydney already.

~1pm Australia, Sydney~

~Allie's POV~

The plane landed with a bit of a bump but all was well, It was weird to think that we just travelled half way around the world in the sky, to a complete different country it's so strange thinking about it but as we walked into getting our luggage I saw a familiar face, dropped my bags and ran. My arms wrapped around Calum's warm neck and then our lips hit each other and started moving in sync, I felt his heat pour into me and I felt like I was home again, everything felt right when I was with him. We pulled apart and I saw that Michael and Emily had been stuck in the same embrace as me and Cal and when she looked at me we laughed and then hugged the other boys "I have missed you guys so so much" I told them and then Ashton yelled "GROUP HUG!!!" and in the middle of the group hug Luke said "we missed you too" then we got our bags and climbed into the back of the van the boys had been given for getting around sydney, it was a plain white van to try and scare away the fans because you know what they say about white vans. 

They took us to the hotel that they were staying at it was easier to know where they all were to be picked up by the tour bus if they were in one place instead of at a friends house and when we got in the hotel it was crazy, absolutely huge open spaces and a pool on the balcony with 4 bedrooms and a massive fridge then cupboards stacked with vegemite. Emily and I had finished unpacking and went back to the living room "Calum i'm so tired come carry me to the sofa"I whined jokingly "to the rescue my lazy princess" he said scooping me into his arms "I was joking Cal" I said between laughs and then he threw me on the sofa "wow what a great prince, throwing me down" we all laughed and then the door knocked and a girl walked in saying "it's only me" in a slightly scottish accent, her hair hung loosely just below her shoulders and it was a gorgeous golden blondey brown, kind blue eyes and she was wearing skinny jeans and an All time low t-shirt "Allie, Emily, this is Shona" Ashton introduced her with a small smile on his face Shona said hi to us and we replied and then asked her how she knew the boys "I've been a fan for a while now and then I was just walking down the street and Ashton accidently pushed me over and then we all got talking and that was that" she explained "yup instant friendship made" Luke added, Ashton kept taking sneaky glances over at Shona clearly thinking nobody noticed but I did oh yes and I could tell straight away that he liked her.

The boys had to go to a rehersal at 5pm so us 3 girls stayed at the hotel and had a pamper session, it's needed after a long flight and we were becoming fast friends with Shona, she was lovely and now that we had been talking a while I think it was time for the question, so I asked "Shona. what do you think of Ashton?"

"erm well he's nice"

"good looking?"

"well er yeah"

"how is he good looking"

"erm...his smile, the way his dimples show and his hair oh and those eyes just make me melt and his muscles and...."

"woah that's enough, you like him"

"I never said that!"

"you didn't have to"

Her cheeks turned bright red and were glowing, I think its safe to say that I have enough evidence here to say that she likes him, now just to get his confession and then get them to live happily ever after, I really need to stop with this whole match making thing but I cant help it I just love, love (Ally Dawson quote right there)

~Shona's POV~

Allie and Emily seemed like really nice girls so far I just hope they won't become close friends with me and ditch me like the rest of my friends did, it ould have been 2 years yesterday that I hadn't spoken to anybody my own age and been friends with somebody so I am glad that Ashton bumped into me when he did, talking of Ashton they already know that I like him and that's either because we're all friends, I'm a terrible liar or both. Ugh Ashton, he's so perfect but unfortunately too perfect he'd never like me ever.

Allie fell asleep really fast which gave me time to speak to Emily a little more "so Shona tell me about yourself" she said straight out

"I'm a person, female, 2 parents that are still together, 1 little brother"


"march 12th"

"i'll make a mental note of it"

"okay then, i'd ask yours but I won't remember it so wait til I can write it down"

"that's okay, so more about Ashton"

"no no no no, they might come back early and I don't want to risk him hearing"

"so it's true"

"might as well admit it and you and Michael right?"

"yup he's my guy"

the conversation died down and then Emily and I went to sleep, i'm glad I met these girls as much as I love being friends with the boys I need girl friends too. I fell asleep with a massive smile on my face.

~Ashton's POV~

We tip-toed into the hotel room and saw the girls sleeping in the living room, they looked so cute so I took a picture then the others went off to bed, damn Shona was beautiful even when she slept, how am I supposed to ask her out if she is beautiful all the time, nobody is supposed to be able to be this frickin beautiful.]

I went into mine and Michael's room and got into bed "night" I whispered "night" Michael whispered back, at least I had this guy to be my boyfriend.


okay I think that was longer :D

new character yayy she is based on my best friend Shona which is also why I dedicated this chapter to her, I hope she likes it ;)

excitement now woo okay see you guys in the next one thanks for reading

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