Whatever Hamilton mentioned didn't escape me either. "Yet?"

"Uh," he started, pulling away from a crackling orange flame. "You see, this happened outside my calculations."

"Excuse me?" I gritted my teeth trying my best to not jump onto the next horse to pull out the rider's hair. "Calculations?"

What kinds of calculations that involved a flame storm?

"Erm, yes. Calculations."

Was such a thing possible?

"You were anticipating this?!" I shrieked.

"I thought we were going south, away from this....phenomenon!"

I didn't know what was more bizarre. That Amancio disappeared, the bloody world had become hell on earth, or that we were seeing things that weren't there.

To be honest, I was too freaked out when I felt my skin boil under the heat. I doubted I was thinking clearly.

Yani, on the other hand, had enough coherent thought to break out of Ham's grasp and barrel us towards the forest.

"Princess!" Ham screamed behind me, deep voice several octaves higher. "Stay with me!" And followed after me.

Well, I considered. Hamilton van Eyke must be mad for hitting solid land.

He must have thought so too, because he closed his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, before the earth shook violently, my heart pounding what felt like the last traces of oxygen in my body. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, a layer of frost now covering my previously burned flesh. My teeth chattered at the fierce drop in temperature, the sound of clinking teeth drowning out all others.

I felt my body get thrown off my beloved horse, but I didn't care. My face was numb. My body was cold. I was floating into a perpetual darkness, void of all thought, of all light. I was paralyzed.

The darkness became a tunnel, sucking me into its icy walls, taking me somewhere unknown. I didn't have the strength to pull myself the other way, and it's not like I even had the heart too, my mind being equally numb.

I come out from my safe palace to chase a perverted knight and this is what happens?

With that last thought, I surrender to the pull.


I woke up in-- surprise, surprise-- darkness. Not the garden variety, the one where there are a sprinkle of stars lighting the earth devoid of the sun's touch. Nope, this was the kind where you put your hand in front of your face and accidentally poke out your eyeball because of the lack of light.

This was the kind of darkness that would have probably extinguish Rebekahs bright beauty. She radiates like the sun even on her worst days, I shudder to think what would have happened to her in this perpetual darkness.

I cried out when I couldn't move my arms. My limbs were stiff and cold, making it impossible to get up. The surface I lay on was warm, but the air was frigid.

After blinking for another couple hundred times, I was finally able see shapes other than a blank darkness.

Surveying the area I recognised the shaking silhouettes of bare branches invading the black sky. There were fluffy black clouds-- nothing like the hellish rain that fell onto the earth like a blacksmith's fire gone wild.

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