He's trying to protect me from him just like he did after his somnambulism attack.

I just have to hold him and tell him it's okay.

I decide to take a how shower and change to my pyjamas. I feel bad for leaving Sophia's birthday party. I will call her tomorrow on her birthday. I believe she will understand though, especially when I just discovered from Albert that she lied about James being a friend of Andrew.


It's ten A.M. I lift my head from my pillow and I feel my mind racing. I take a long shower and grab a white warm pullover with black skinny jeans.

I need to take a cab to Oxford Street so I can buy Sophia's birthday present.

As I step out of the cab and walk along the avenue, I start imagining how my future will be. I always dreamed about studying law in the University of Oxford. They have a such a well known and great law department. I can't wait to go to UNI.

I enter on TopShop. It's one of my favourite clothing shops along with Zara so I think Sophia will like it. Besides when we shopped together she took me to Piccadilly Circus so I think I'm on the way to go. I'm terrible at buying gifts.

Albert's POV.

It's eleven A.M.

I feel a weird ache on my chest, like a beating.

I'm not spending the whole day locked up in this damn house so I take a shower and grab a white sweater and jeans.

"Good Morning dear," My mum says approaching to me with her arms open.

"Hi, mum..?" Why is she all sentimental all of a sudden?

"Dear, are you okay? You seem sick.." My mum lays the back of her hand on my forehead making me feel like a fucking five year old kid.

"Mum, I'm fine. " I huff pushing her hand away.

"Dear, have you been taking your sedatives?" My mum asks and I'm literally dumb. I haven't been taking my sedatives because I've been sleeping next to Emily and I don't need those fucking pills when I'm with her. She's my happy little pill.

"Mum, I'm okay."

"How was Sophia's birthday party yesterday? Did you have fun?"

Actually, I broke up with my girlfriend.

"It was lame." I shrug and grab a toast from the table.

"How's Emily?" My mum asks and I know she's trying to change the subject into something that I like to talk about. Too bad for her that we broke up.

"I don't know." I ask focusing on the TV.

"Ohh, I see.. Is she upset with something that you did?" My mum sits on the edge of the couch.

Hey! Why do I always have to be the one to blame?

"Yes." I simply answer. It's true though. Emily is upset with me saying that I didn't love her back.

"Oh, are you going back together?" My mum slightly smiles.

"Nope." I try to ignore the fact that she's staring at me waiting for a better and detailed answer which is also not fucking happening.

"Why is that?"

"Well, shit happens." I shrug. I'm trying to pretend that I don't care about her, when in reality I love her more than I like breathing.

"Albert, I'm your mother, do not talk to me like that." My mum says with a serious expression.

"Sorry." I shrug and focus on the TV. My mum is the one making me questions about Emily! Why can't people just mind in their own business?!

"Well, I'm sure you'll work the things out," My mum stands up from the couch.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because I know how much that lovely girl likes you and I know you like her too." My mum smiles.

"She doesn't like me. Not anymore." I look again to the TV.

"Of course she does."

"She said she loved me and I said I didn't love her back. I broke up with her." I look at my mum.

"Well, hopefully, you're a terrible liar, son." My mum smiles and goes to the kitchen.

I am a terrible liar? That's all? No long speech about how fucked up I am? How insensitive I became?

Emily's POV.

I bought a black sweatshirt with the NASA logo on the side and a matching bracelet. I think Sophia will like it! Besides, it's from TopShop so you can always change for anything good here.

I thought in writing her some sort of birthday card but with this whole mess happening between Albert and I, I'm not really in the mood for deep words and beautiful adjectives and metaphors.

I miss Albert. During the whole time I was on that shop I imagine how bored Albert would be and I just kept remembering when Albert sweetly kissed my leg on that changing room to prove me how much he loved every bit of me.

He always makes me feel so special and every cute gesture he makes still makes my stomach flutter.

I called Sophia to wish her a Happy Birthday and she was thrilled because she spent the night in James' house. She's at home now and really took everything in me not to ask her about Albert.

Sophia invited me to go have dinner in a restaurant tonight to celebrate her birthday properly, but I obviously said no. Albert will be there so I'm not going. Not after our fight yesterday when I humilliated myself in front of him.

I'm on the cab on my way home to Primrose. It's raining today, the perfect weather for Romeo & Juliet and hot tea.

Images of how beautiful Albert's hair look when it's wet are interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" The number was unknown.

"Hi dear! It's Ellen!" I hear a familiar voice through the phone.

(Hello everyone! I want to say thank you for over than six-hundred reads! Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to keep voting! I hope you're having all a nice weekend! I'm going to stop now before this gets any longer! :) )

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