Cursed 5

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Cursed 5: OPERATION!

Yoichi's Pov

After I left Mitsuba and Kimizuki in an empty room to prepare the preparations, I directly go to where Yuu might be. I'm guessing he might be in the roof top at this time. So I hurried there and saw Yuu gazing at the sky.

I let out a sigh.

He really is that worried about Shinoa huh? Oh and also his family... Mika was it?

Well I'm also worried about Shinoa but if she was here, I guess she would say something like "Stop slacking around" or "Jeez such crybabies" and stuff with a mix of a perverted joke. But first we must think before to take action.

And that's why I'm here right now. Our plan was basically celebrate at first then think how to save Shinoa. It's called Operation: Let's save Shinoa! Plan.

And by the way, I made the name. It sounds pretty nice to me but Kimizuki saids it's too long and boring while Mitsuba just said it's a pretty normal and common name. That actually hurt me a little, especially Kimizuki's comment.


"A-ah Yuu!" I snapped.

I didn't notice that Yuu was already in front of me. "So what are you doing here?"

"Actually I came here to get you"

"To get me?" his bows furrowed.

"Mm..." I nodded "We're actually having a feast."

His face darkened after what I said "Ehh... so you're actually having fun huh?" He said sarcastically, his fists curled up to a ball "Having a blast whilst Shinoa is in danger?! Huh?!"

"N-no! You've got it wrong Y-yuu!" I waved both my hands frantically.

"Then what do you mean by that?" He seemed to calm down a bit, trying to hear me out.

"We're going to talk on how to save Shinoa"

"Then you should've said that earlier! C'mon let's have a blast tonight!" And out of the blue, he seemed jolly and pat me in the back before leaving me standing alone in the rooftop.

Wait.... He doesn't know where it's located!


"Geez.... Y-yuu.... I... T-told you.... T-to..... wait f-for me...." I panted, holding my knees.

"My bad. So where's this place Yoichi?"

"It's the opposite" I told him a bit irritated. He just chuckled and started walking the opposite direction.

A couple of minutes passed and we're already near on the location we're heading to.

3rd POV

Yoichi slightly turned the doorknob to the left as he pushed the door open. "Kimizuki-san! Mitsuba-san!" He shouted when they were in the door entrance, trying to let them now that the awaited guest have arrived and hoping that they're not acting cats and dogs again.

He heard rushing foosteps as a blonde greeted them. "Hi Yoichi!" She looked at the brunette then slowly to the person behind him. "And Yuu..." She kind of whispered at the last word, avertin her eyes to the raven black haired boy.

"Hey" Yuu greeted back, casually. What could she expect? He's a dense idiot after all.

She then leaded them to the room where they would celebrate. They were greeted with confettis, tons of delicious food that would water your mouth (ofcourse Kimizuki cooked them) and bunch of party designs and hats.

"Ooohhh!!" The raven haired slightly pinched his chin with his right hand as he scanned the whole room "As expected of Kimizuki! Your food always looks delicious" Said he amused.

Kimizuki's lips twitched up, his lips formed to a proud smirk. "Heh, ofcourse." He scoffed, the words comming out naturally out his mouth. Indicating that he seems to get that compliment a lot everytime he cooks.

In a corner, Mitsuba mentally clicked her tongue at the pinkette's. Just watch her someday, she'll eventually learn to cook.

"Okay, we should already start and take a seat!" Yoichi offered and everyone followed then took a seat. The delicious, sweet aroma filled up their nose as they started to choose the food they would soon consume.

"So" Yuu started as he took a bite of the spoon with his food. "What's the 'PLAN'?" He chewed and finally gulped.

The three exchanged looks, nodded amd finally tilt their heads at Yuu's direction, their attention on them.

"So here's the plan" Kimizuki coughed, getting their attention. "You should be aware that when we're going to save that shrimpy's ass, we're going to face strong, powerful and noble vampires. Not just vampires that you could easily throw at the sky."

They all nodded.

"So, the only plan we need to really DO is..." Mitsuba trailed off.

"PRACTICE AND GET US STRONGER!" Yoichi suddenly interrupt, throwing his fist in the air, rather enthusiastically.

Mitsuba and Kimizuki nodded in agreement while Yuu closed his eyes, humming. Fighting with his thoughts. It actually took three minutes before he decided to open his eyes again and nodded silently.

Kimizuki and Mitsuba exchanged looks. 'I know what you're thinking four eyes' Mitsuba communicated to him using their eyes. Kimizuki smirk, indicating he knew what Mistuba was saying and faced Yuu playfuly.

'Oh no' Yoichi looked at them and shookt his head slowly. He didn't knew why there wouldn't be a day where there was no insulting and arguements.

"Oh well if isn't this a new sight to see? To see an idiot actually thinking deeply before saying" Kimizuki folded his arms, his tone was clearly mocking the raven haired.

"Shut up, you four eyes!" Yuu retorted.

And so the night went on with the two idiots fighting.


No sht sherlock, after two years an update like wtf me harhar


And im planning on revising prologue to chapters 3...

Anyway... Let me know your thoughts!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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