July 2016

285 19 63

Hello guys! A late, late welcome to the month of July :)

As all of you know, Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated this week. Eid Mubarak to those who have celebrated it.

How was your Eid? How many dresses you bought? What places did you visit? What foods you ate and how much did you get for Eidi? :D

Reading anything new on Wattpad? Share it with the friends here.

Reading any awesome books outside Wattpad? Let us know of it too!

And of course, let us know what book you're working on. :)

How many of you entered the Wattys this year and for which book? Share it with the readers!

Also, don't forget to tag your friends here so that they can join us.

Let's chat!

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