{ch. 1} - the odd feelings

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     Kageyama walked down the slim hallway of Karasuno High with his seemingly signature blank facial expression. Today was just another day for the boy, keeping all his thoughts to himself. As he was making his way towards the gym a familiar voice called out his name making him stir.
      "KAGS! WAIT UP!" The voice boomed echoing through out the almost empty hallway. Kageyama sighed as he came to a halt and turned toward his orange haired companion.
     "I told you not to call me Kags, dumbass." Kageyama scolded the boy.
     "Sorry," Hinata paused, "Kags." he stated mockingly immediately chuckling and beginning to run past the raven haired boy.
     "WHAT DID I JUST SAY YOU TWERP!" Kageyama yelled as he sprinted towards the almost orange blur. Miraculously, they made it to the gym, both boys out of breath with hands on their knees. Hinata began to laugh standing straight up as Kageyama turned his head to give him a look of disgust.
      He too stood up and shook his head, "Honest to god we have to get ready for practice now, so quit your laughing." This statement only made the shorter boy laugh more as they began to walk to the locker room.
     Once inside, Kageyama couldn't help but to look at Hinata's slim body. It didn't help that their lockers were conveniently placed next to one another. As quickly as he looked, he turned his head away in hopes he wouldn't get caught. He didn't know why but he couldn't help himself, the feeling to glance lingering in his mind. He mentally slapped himself. He shouldn't be thinking this way, Hinata is his best friend after all. Kageyama needed to get out of there locker room quick. Away from the distraction of the other, very good looking, male. Changing as fast as he could, he left the locker room without a word to Hinita. As Kageyama sat on a bench waiting for the rest of his teammates to change, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.
     "KAGS!!" Kageyama sighed and stood up putting his sweat rag on top of his duffle bag. Before he had time to turn around to greet the smaller male, his waist was embraced by arms.
     "kAgaYammaaaAaa, why didn't you tell me you were going?! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!!" Hinata said with a hurt voice and pouted face.
     "Pft, why should I tell you? You don't own me." Kageyama said through gritted teeth, pushing away from the others embrace. Without any self awareness he said these things to Hinata. Not entirely meaning to come off as rude. Even though he liked the embrace from his fellow teammate. Hinata looked up at Kageyama with a sad-confused look.
     "Oh honestly pull yourself together or cry me a river." Kageyama spat as he turned around to go to the court.


     "Hey Kags! Pass!" Kageyama flinched as he heard his odd nickname being called. It was no other than the idiot he admired but told himself he despised. He hated any nickname, but something about Hinata saying one made him feel warm inside. He began to blush lightly at the thought of the boy. Kageyama didn't want his other teammates seeing him in this condition, so he unconsciously shot the ball a little harder than intended. As it flew through the air only gaining speed, it collided with Hinata's face. The loud WHAM sound echoed through the gym as the poor boys body went flying towards the ground. In that moment, the only think Kageyama could say was:


     As the orange haired boys body lay unconscious on the floor, Kageyama couldn't help but just stand there is disbelief. Everyone rushed to the boys side,

Except for Kageyama

     The whole team scrabbled to find medical supplies and called for help,

Except for Kageyama

     Something else was on his mind. Something that made his stomach twist in turn. It was in this moment. This moment that he hurt his best friend, the moment that he stood there, not even being able to move, was the moment that Tobio Kageyama realized:

He had feelings for Shouyou Hinata.

so um yeah i just edited this and it was so shitty oh my god wth
honestly how does this have 8k read in this condition???
anyway uhm i hope you like it?? i didn't edit it a ton so it's still pretty bad but 😅
love y'all

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