The Promise

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So it was bought...
So it was given.
I tried, like I tried too many times.

Promises are met to be broken.
It's nothing like what I had hoped.
And now I feel like there's nothing to have hope in.

What did you really promise me?
A couple of rings?
A better relationship?


That's not what this is.
That's not what we have.
Things are beyond messed up.
Why can't you just let go?

Stop trying, you failed me years ago.
There's nothing to save.
No reason to pray for better days.

You and I both know, so let's not pretend.
We saw this coming to an end.
Maybe we can be friends.
I hope not enemies...

I tried to wear your promise ring.
Although you picked it just for me...
Promises are meant to be broken.
Why did you think this would change anything?

Here, you can have your promise ring. 💍

Fairytales That Never Came TrueDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora