Two Heads Are Better Than One

Start from the beginning

He ran out into the rain, bulldozing through trees, boulders and everything else in his path. He cleared a path right through the forest.

"Now he's lost it." Mei-rin mumbled, holding a coat over her head to shield herself from the rain.

Bard walked into the kitchen the next morning with a big yawn. "Good morning everyone." Mei-rin walked in with a smile but Finny had bags under his eyes.

Angela walked in with a serving tray. "Ah, good morning!" She said happily.

"Angela, are you sure you should be out of bed?" Bard asked.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry for all the trouble." Angela said. She set the serving tray on the table. "My master would be most disappointed with my weak behavior in front of guests. He always insisted on courtesy first." She then noticed Finny.

"Oh! Are you alright? You look so pale!" Angela said. When she reached to feel his forehead Finny packed away quickly to the wall. He started waving his arms around.

"Oh I'm sick! It's just a little tiny touch of a cold! Nothing more! But you shouldn't get to close or you might catch it! Sorry bye!" Finny then ran swiftly out of the room.

"For a sick bloke he can sure run quickly don't you think?" Bard asked.

Finny sat on one of the fallen trees, holding his knees to his chest. "Oh, my Angela." He muttered.

"Finny!" Mei-rin called.

"For today's tea we have a cabinet pudding, it was made using local black berries." Sebastian said.

"You're certainly relaxed." Ciel said.

"Because we're in no hurry sir." Sebastian said.

Mei-rin and Finny burst through the door, making Nyra nearly jump out of her skin. "Sebastian hurry!" The clumsy maid yelled.

"What is it this time? Do calm down please." Sebastian sighed.

"We've looked all over but we can't find Angela!" Finny said worriedly.

"Oh that's all? Yeah, don't worry about it. She said there were some medicinal herbs she knew about. She went to go pick some up." Bard said.

"Right now?" Finny asked. "Why would she?"

"She went all alone while there might be a demon hound out there?" Mei-rin asked.

Bard suddenly looked quite worried. "Oh hell..." He clearly hadn't thought of that.

"What was she thinking going out all by herself?" Finny asked.

"She said she was worried, about you being kind of sick and all." Bard explained.

Finny looked up in shock. "For me? She went for me?" He then took off running.

"Come on Sebastian!" Bard said. "Let's go help him!" He ran off to follow the others.


"Hurry!" Bard yelled. "Are you a red blooded man or aren't you?! Fine then, let's go Mei-rin." Bard said.

"Sir, yes sir!" The maid responded enthusiastically.

"Where's Tanaka?" Bard asked. Said chibi man was wearing a hunter's outfit, like he was on a safari.

"That's the spirit! Alright let's move out men!" Bard said.

"Sir yes sir!" Mei-rin saluted while Tanaka ho ho hoed. The three quickly departed.

"You know I'm quite interested, what color is your blood?" Ciel smirked. Nyra created a knife made of ice. She placed it against Sebastian's cheek.

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