A Witch's Memories

Start from the beginning


She had ended that dance with the splits. Ciel shook that memory from his head.

"The most beautiful glossy black hair." Sebastian said.

"But I still don't understand why he had to kill them all." Ciel said.

"So very lovable, it could almost be a sin." Sebastian continued.

"And what's more I-" Ciel stopped when Sebastian continued.

"So soft. Oh, so soft." Sebastian continued, ignoring Ciel's mounting frustration.

"Listen when I'm talking to you!" He snapped, a tick mark on his forehead.

Nyra and Sebastian had been fawning over a black cat that had wandered over to them. Nyra may have a connection to wolves but she still liked cats. She also enjoyed how adorable Sebastian behaved when around a cat.

"Oh, I apologize sir but she was so beautiful and soft." Sebastian let the cat go. Nyra waved goodbye to the little feline.

"Nyra, are your wolves... okay with you being near a cat?" Ciel asked awkwardly, since it was a bizarre question.

Nyra shook her head. "No, they practically worship me. In fact if I remember correctly a she-wolf called Moonflower has a small habit of taking in abandoned wildcat cubs."

An ear piercing scream startled Nyra. "How could somebody have gotten passed us?" Ciel asked.

"Let's go sir." The three of them ran towards the door, Ciel in the lead.

He threw open the door and a stray drop of blood hit his cheek. He stared at the bloody remains of the prostitute, to stunned to move.

"Ciel don't!" Nyra said as she grabbed Ciel's shoulder. She got a peek at what was inside the room. The woman's organs were all over the floor. Nyra again remained unaffected. During her rampage after Arya died she had done similar things to her victims.

"Come away." Sebastian said, covering the young master's eyes. He leapt away, dragging the young master away from the door.

Ciel was shaking, the image he saw now burned into his brain forever. He retched and faintly felt Nyra's nails tracing soothing circles on his back and her using a handkerchief to wipe his mouth.

"You've made quite a bloody mess of things in there." Sebastian said to whoever was in the room. "Jack the Ripper or rather, Grell Sutcliff."

Said butler walked out of the room, dripping with blood. Nyra snarled like a wolf at the butler and wrapped her arms protectively around Ciel. "No! No you're wrong! I-I heard the scream and rushed to help. But-"

"Drop the act!" Nyra growled. "It's over!" She then tilted her head to the side, a habit she had developed when she was eighteen. "This is actually the first time I've met one of you in a long while. You played the role of simpering idiot well." Nyra's eyes narrowed and her lips twitched, beginning to pull back in the beginnings of a snarl. "Your act had almost everyone completely fooled. The way you were able to hoodwink me." Nyra sighed and shook her head. "One of the Seven Sisters." She looked back up. "It's embarrassing, being as old as I am." She sighed. "Although I must commend you for your acting skills, you're very good."

A drop of blood ran down Grell's cheek, almost like a tear. "You... You think so?" Grell chuckled and grinned psychotically. His teeth were like a shark's. "How kind."

He pulled the red ribbon holding back his brown hair. "That's great to hear." He removed his circular glasses. "After all, I am an actress." He took out a comb and combed the brown away, leaving behind a bright red. "And quite a good one at that." His eyes, which now had fake eyelashes landed on the demon butler. "You aren't really Sebastian either are you?" he replaced his white gloves with black ones.

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