Pink, Sparkles Everywhere!

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"Ah, I should have expected you to have an Isha ring." Isha was formed of four lines in roughly the shape of a key, and it was a special symbol. When Jingfei slapped her, with the power of the rune on the ring, it created a wound that Nyra could not heal. The wound would have to heal by itself.

"Of course I have one." Jingfei said coldly, glaring at Nyra. "It is a family heirloom. MY family, the Fa family"

"The Fa family." Nyra repeated. "One of the oldest families of witch hunters in China."

The Fa family was part of the Order of Pythonissam Venatores, a worldwide society of witch hunters, whose goal is to eradicate all witches, good and bad.

Jingmei smirked. "Yes, and I know why you want that." She pointed furiously at the puzzle box. "You won't get it, filthy Wupo." She growled, calling Nyra a witch in Chinese.

She drew a sword from her sleeve and lunged.

With Sebastian

Finely mince the high quality dark and milk couverture and mix them together at sixty degrees. Then at boiling temperature, add in unprocessed cream. After stirring, let it cool down until it is room temperature and then add it cointreau. Then it's poured into a mold-

Sebastian stopped preparing the chocolate when he heard Mei-rin scream. "What was that?"

Sebastian went to the laundry room where Mei-rin was working. "Mei-rin?" Sebastian opened the door. "What on earth is the mater...?"

"Mr. Sebastian!" The clumsy maid yelled. The laundry room was filled to the brim with bubbles.

"What's with these bubbles?!" Sebastian yelled.

"This detergent...according to the instruction manual...I'm supposed to put in thirty cups! It's so weird that this happened!"

"Sebastian looked at the instructions on the box. "Mei-rin. This doesn't say thirty cups, it says three cups." Sebastian deadpanned.

"EH?!" Mei-rin said, honestly looking surprised.

This house maid...the fact that her eyes are already bad is not the problem here at all. What's clearly odd isn't the instructions, but that you didn't notice it yourself. I've heard that in society, clumsy maids have charm, but I can't possibly understand why. (And I don't want to.) I'm recalling what murderous intent feels like.

Sebastian sighed. "...hah...I understand. For now, just step back."

In a matter of moments Sebastian had the linens done. "...Fwew." Sebastian whipped his brow. The demon then turned to head inside. "Well, I still have work. So if you'll excuse me. You should get back to work as well."

Sebastian walked down the hall with a frustrated frown on his face. "Really, now. It had to happen right as we're so pressed for time." When he got back into the kitchen he began to relax again. "Right, the next step was..."

Put water and butter into a frying pan. Once you've turned off the fire, mix in flour and baking powder. After stirring with a spatula, simmer it again-

A loud explosion snapped Sebastian out of his thoughts. "What is it now?!"

With Nyra

Nyra dodged the first stab and grabbed the pair of sai. She blocked each hit and tried to make a few swipes of her own, but didn't manage to score any hits. Jingfei was clearly trained well. But not well enough. Nyra hit the woman with the butt of her sai on the forehead and knocked her feet out from under her.

My Governess a Witchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن