The Main Event

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Josh guided the foil wrapped burrito into Tyler's mouth for the fourth time, slowly at first and then all at once. Tyler gagged, eyes watering, looking up at Josh with arousal and slight confusion. As the burrito eased back out of Tyler's mouth, he licked along the side of it, making sure to get it nice and wet.

"Are you ready?" Josh asked, biting his lip and holding the burrito firmly in his hand.

Tyler turned around on the bed and bent over on all fours, "Yes, daddy. I'm ready for your meat to be inside me."

"And beans."

Tyler glanced back at Josh, "Huh?"

"Well, the burrito has beans and stuff in it, too."

Tyler frowned, "Does it have extra sour cream? You know I like sour cream."

Josh smiled and nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, lettuce, cheese, all the good stuff."

Tyler nodded and then cleared his throat, putting on his serious face and turning back around, "Are you gonna fuck me or are we gonna talk about the anatomy of a bur-?"

Before he could even finish the word, he felt the wet outer casing of the burrito press against his already prepared asshole and he stifled a moan, pushing back against it instinctively. Tyler heard Josh chuckle as he started to push it in.

"J-Josh." Tyler murmured, biting his lip against the slight pain as the burrito slid in even further, "It's so warm. It feels so much better going into my ass than one ever has coming out of it after I've eaten it."

Josh had only pushed it in halfway and was struggling to fit it in any further. The foil was ripping along the side of the burrito and sour cream had started to leak out and drip down Tyler's left cheek. He pushed onwards anyway, getting it in another inch before a few beans fell out and Josh sighed in defeat.

"This isn't going to work, it's ripping," Josh said.

Tyler turned his head around to face Josh, "It's fine. Just do it."

Suddenly a bloodied body smashes through the window and rolls onto the floor, it's Shia Lebeouf! A blood soaked Brendon Urie follows after him. Tyler and Josh freeze.

Brendon is breathing hard and leans over with his hands on his knees to catch his breath, "You have no idea how long I had to hit this guy before he went unconscious. I had to do it though. I can't deal with the memes anymore. It's supposed to be me on peoples newsfeeds. Me! I am tHE meme KING!"

Brendon looks up, finally realizing what he had walked in on. He narrows his eyes, "Am I just really high or are you fucking Tyler with a burrito?"

"We- uh- well-" Josh starts, Tyler too embarrassed to even open his mouth.

Brendon puts his hands up, "Hey, I'm not gonna judge." he quickly picks up Shia, putting his limp body over his shoulder, "I'll see you guys around."

And with that, Brendon had exited back out the window.

Josh slid the burrito out of Tyler's ass slowly and placed it down on the bed. Tyler moved so he was laying down on his back and quickly pulled Josh on top of him, placing a hasty kiss to his lips.

"Hurry up and fuck me before any more weird shit happens." said Tyler, to which Josh nodded.

Josh slid his throbbing member into Tyler's asshole and rammed it in a few times before stopping suddenly.

"What?" asked Tyler, worried.

"I think I can feel a smol bean against my dick." Josh said, before continuing with his thrusting, more gently this time.

Tyler moaned before asking, "You mean me, or an actual bean?"

"Probably both." Josh leant up and grabbed Tyler's legs, hooking them over his shoulders so he could go deeper.

Tyler's breath began to get heavier and his fingers gripped at the sheets, "Keep going but, I have an idea." he said.


"I can't wait any longer. I wanna eat the burrito. Let's-"

Josh inturrupted, smiling, "Eat it while we-?"

Tyler nodded, "Yes."

Josh snatched the burrito up from where it lay next to them on the bed and began to tear off the foil straight away. He took a large bite and moaned before passing it down to Tyler. They shared the burrito between the two of them, filling spilling onto their naked bodies. Soon enough, the burrito was finished, and Tyler nearly was, too.

"Josh, I'm gonna-"


Tyler looked up at him with fear, was he not allowed to cum?

"It's daddy."

"Well, daddy, I'm going to-" Tyler's breath hitched and he couldn't even talk as Josh sped up his thrusts.

It was very poetic how they moaned each others names and came at exactly the same time, Tyler's cum spurting into the air like a firework. Afterward, as they lay panting in the remnants of the burrito and their own bodily fluids, Josh whispered a final sentence to Tyler.

"Dude, no homo."

Burrito Daddy - JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now