Part 7: Problems, Work and Sleepovers

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I figured that it would be unrealistic (and hard for me) to have all nine of them together, every, single, day. So I'll probably update every couple of days. The chapters that say "part" is just Katie and her girl friends, Katie and Alex, or Alex and his guy friends. The ones that say "day" will have all of them together.

Enjoy :)

--Victoria Weasley xx

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July 10th, 2016

Paige Abbey lay with her face buried in the blanket on Katie's bed.

"I like him a lot, but with what he said last week, nothing will happen." Paige groaned. Katie gave her friend a sympathetic look, before looking at her laptop again. Katie was sat at her desk, begrudgingly doing her summer project for English, research and a short paper on some book she already read.

"I dunno what to tell you, Pay Day." Emma told her, while texting someone on her phone. She was sitting in the black bean bag chair, glancing between her friends and her phone.

"Sorry Paige. Unless you think you can stop making him gay, there's nothing you can do." Katie told her friend, but after seeing the look on Paige's face, she immediately backtracked. "You, do realize there's no way of doing that, right? Once you're gay, there isn't any making you straight."

The only noise in reply was a loud groan, muffled from the blankets.


Later in the afternoon, close to four o'clock, Alex was in the driver's seat (seeing as he could legally drive to work, school and back to home) while Katie sat shotgun.

"Y'know, I'm glad that I don't have my test for another year. Because, I could be fighting you for those keys at the moment."

"Yeah, yeah. But you love me, so you let me drive."

"Sure. It's definitely not the fact that I don't have the energy to fight you right now."


"Hey Allie Bear," Katie started, pulling off of her street.

"Yes, Katie Baits?"

"I have work at the Ice Cream Shoppe in ten minutes. Mind taking a ride there?"

"As long as you don't crash the car in those ten minutes."




"Logan, I'm here!" Katie called to the back room of the Ice Cream Shoppe. During the summer, the Shoppe was extremely busy, both with teenagers and kids, and sometimes even the rare adult.

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