Chapter 3

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The days went by quickly after that, it was all a blur to Zayn and Liam but they do know that the days were filled with hugs, blushes, and sexual tension. The day after they had lunch at that hole in the wall café, pictures of the two started popping up everywhere: from magazines, and blogs to gossip shows and random text messages. Of course Zayn and Liam were unbothered by it, they just wanted to spend time together without any worries.

That afternoon the two of them made lunch together, and talked about how things were for the both of them. Zayn had brought up Liam's ex girlfriend Sophia which Liam assured wasn't a big deal. On the same topic Liam brought up some of the scandalous rumors that were about Zayn's flings.

"oh-oh... well they're true, BUT I don't do that anymore!" Zayn had confessed. He was met with a look of disappointment on Liam's features, that quickly changed to one of understanding. Zayn was on the edge of his seat waiting for Liam's response. He had regretted, and cherished the flings he had. Zayn knew that Liam didn't have a right to be angry with him since they weren't together at the time, but sadly Liam did have a right to be upset.

"It's okay, Zayn. Thanks for being truthful, and not lying to me" Liam had replied, his words being followed with a comforting smile.


Two days after their lunch date, Liam and Zayn decided that they would have an outing together. It wasn't supposed to be long outing, all they were going to do was go out for dinner and movie. The only thing is that once they stepped out of the movie theater, they were surrounded by pap's and fans. The fans were all screaming joy, while the pap's were yelling out invasive questions, and flashing lights at them. It was dark out and the only other lights besides the pap's cameras were the city lights, and the illuminating red from the movie theaters sign. Liam had quickly moved in front of Zayn to protect him from all the random hands that were trying to get their grip on the Bradford man.

As Liam attempted to push through the crowd, the pap's started getting more frantic, especially since they saw Liam pulling on Zayn's hand. "Liam Liam! Are you and Zayn dating again?", with that the fans screamed even louder, but Liam didn't answer. "ZAYN, ARE YOU GOING BACK TO 1D?" Another pap yelled, they didn't get a response though because Liam had pushed the last pap away from them, and they ran down the street and into a diner.

The stayed in the cozy looking diner that only held eight other people besides them, five were workers. The diner was silent, and still since their entrance was less than graceful. Zayn sighed when he looked out the window and saw that the fans, and pap's had followed them. Zayn loved the fans he really did, but sometimes all he wanted was some space to breath, and enjoy his day.

After a couple beats of silence, everyone in the diner went back to what they were doing before the couple had rushed in. A chirpy waitress had walked in front of them, and smiled before asking them if they wanted to eat. Liam nodded, and the girl blushed and grabbed two menus from behind the stand next to her. It looked like an antique which only caused Zayn to smile, if the food was any good here, he was definitely coming back.

The waitress ushered them to follow her to their table, she tripped a bit and blushed hard when she saw that the Zayn, and Liam had noticed. Once the two were seated she quickly placed the menus in front of them, and almost bolted before asking them what they wanted to drink.

"Looks like we have a fan" Liam laughed, his laugh was deep and calm. Which made sense since the atmosphere of the diner was cozy, and calm unlike outside where all the screaming people were.

"Well at least she's calm about it... how about we write her a note, and sign something for her?" Zayn had replied, while scanning the menu. Liam nodded at that, not bothering to respond.

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