Chapter 1

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It was late and Zayn had just finished recording one of his new songs; It was a long and tedious process, building up his album. He loved every step of it though, he was finally making music that he liked, and he felt like he had some sort of control over his music again. He just had to work a little harder now, and he was fine with that. Walking into the studio everyday only made him smile, of course some days he felt like punching some of the staff, but all in all he was in love.

Zayn stepped out of the car that was being driven by a guard that he was assigned to, as time went on, and he became more popular, his need for better safety increased. He waved a farewell to the driver before closing the door, he stood there for a minute and watched as the car drove off into the distance. Zayn looked around, and gave out a sigh of relief when he saw no one outside waiting for him, just the doorman to his apartment building.

The doorman gave Zayn a curt nod, which was ironic because just a couple months back when Zayn had first moved in, the two had sex. Zayn was lonely, and desperate so he reached out to the equally desperate doorman. His name was Rick, and he had a pretty big dick, but it wasn't Liam's, the guy was also pretty basic, and rough. He hadn't called him pet names, he didn't give him the sweet kisses that he wanted, and he certainly didn't tug on his collar like he desperately wanted. In short the guy just wasn't like Liam.

Walking past the doorman was easy, no comments were made between the two. It was like nothing ever happened, and Zayn was fine with that. Over the past year now, he's had a couple desperate sexual adventures in search for someone who would treat him like Liam, and all them were a disappointment.

Zayn made it to his apartment building, and walked to the elevator, the same elevator that he has kisses many guys in. He sighed, and stuffed his hands into his pockets, and waited in silence for the elevator to reach his floor. The silence of course was ruined by his phone going off with multiple notifications. The thing was always going off, but today he wasn't in the mood to post a picture on Instagram, or get a couple drinks with friends. No all he wanted to do was strip off his tight pants, his white t-shirt, jacket, and combat boots and relax. Maybe even pop out the collar that Liam gave him for his birthday a year ago. Liam had surprised him with it, right after their concert Liam had persuaded Zayn into going out with him, despite how tired he was. It was when they were leaving the expensive restaurant that Liam popped out the medium sized box, and handed it over to Zayn.

Of course he gave Liam a look of confusion before opening the box, and there inside it was a thousand dollar, diamond encrusted collar, that said "Z puppy" right on the tag. Zayn had let out an excited yip when he saw the collar, and rushed to hug Liam who simply laughed, and patted him on the head. That was a couple months before he left, and before Liam stopped talking to him all together along with Louis. Niall, and Harry still talked to him though.

Zayn wanted to cry thinking about how he pretty much lost two of closest friends, but he didn't have time for crying, the elevator doors had already opened.

Zayn walked over to his apartment, unlocked the door, and shut the door behind him. He kicked off his shoes and placed them to the side of the door, before walking into his lavish kitchen with just his socks. Zayn grabbed himself a cup, and a bottle of whiskey from the counter and poured himself a decent amount. He began to sip slowly the dark liquid traveling down his throat with a slight burn.

He leaned against the counter with the cup still in his hands, and thought about how much he missed his bandmates. Zayn was happy that he was finally getting to make his own music, and the fans were sure happy too since they went wild when pillowtalk released. The fact that he lost his owner, and close friend in the process is what's killing him inside.

As time went on, Zayn kept on refilling his glass, time and time again. He was a bit tipsy now, and he was getting tired of thinking these negative thoughts. He needed someone to fuck him, and treat him the way he wanted to be treated. He was a kinky guy, and couldn't deal with "just sex" anymore.

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