The man dropped his hood and pulled his mask down so it hung around his neck, his bright white skin shimmered in the dying light of day as he flashed me a warm smile. "Do not worry, I will personally tend to your horse, I am not cruel enough to allow an animal to suffer just because his owner ran into some trouble." His smile was comforting and trustworthy, my heart was at peace with the knowledge that he would be taken care of in my absence. 

He closed the first clear protective layer of the pod and entered a passcode on the outside, a launch count then began on the speakers inside. The man outside mouthed something, I was unable to actually hear what he had said, but I could tell what he said, "Don't change who you are and who you end up being will soar high above any Galaxy."  I wasn't sure what exactly he meant by that, but I assumed it was something I would learn on my adventures in this new journey of my life.

I forced a small smiled as the pod's countdown reached one, my body was pulled down as I shot up towards the highest level of atmosphere. I could feel that my breath was shortened when the pod left the last bit of my home, Gordion, behind. My heart sunk with the gravity being sucked away, I watched my home shrink into a mere speck until it was just a huge ball in the dark, emptiness of space.

"Goodbye." I placed my hand on the clear piece of glass above me and watched as my home disappeared behind me. The only thoughts that crossed my mind as I drifted away were that I'll never see my mom or Zachariah again, I'll never see Triton, or go to the fields of Airo again. The tears I had held for hours finally broke through and I cried myself to sleep, a nightmare took the place of my consciousness.

"No!" I screamed as I ran through the thickest forest I'd ever encountered, the smell of pine needles itched my nose as I sprinted down a mossy path, twigs and tree roots littered the ground. A dark figure with a shadowy face followed close behind, he chased me like a dog chased its sheep back home. I picked up my pace to try and get further away, but the shadow got closer with each stride. My chest began to hurt from the pounding of my heart and my legs gave out under me, and my body rolled helplessly to the ground. Leaves crunched under my body and rocks cut my skin as I tumbled down a small hill. I tried to grab a root on the way down but there was nothing to grasp and I slipped to the bottom with nothing to slow my fall. When I stopped, I noticed some dirt had gained entrance in crevices it wasn't supposed to make a home in. I tried to get up again to run away, but I was suddenly pinned down, my body was forced under the weight of a hundred sixty-pound man; the black figure stood above me and whispered softly, his broken-up words  breathed into my ear, "!" He gasped for air, his voice was hoarse and sounded like he had been choked.

I tried to fight to get out of his grip, but I couldn't move enough, "But why? I don't even know you?" I yelled and flailed my arms and legs in hopes it would do something, but it didn't help at all. My heart raced, and my palms dripped in sweat, the wind had picked up and the smell of pine and dirt attacked my sense of smell. I glanced up to the sky, it had turned a deep red color and the beautiful full moon disappeared behind the dusty clouds of the night. I felt a sharp cool breeze hit my face and the man screamed seconds before his figure dispersed like a cloud.

"Help. Please. Dian now!" The voice of the man that had pinned me down vibrated through me like a chill on a cold winter night. 

I tried to get up, but I still was unable to move, my body was numb; I couldn't feel my heartbeat or the rise and fall of my chest. My arms were stuck above my head, my legs in different directions, and my blood was not inside of me where it belonged.

"-okay?" I heard a faint female voice, but couldn't open my eyes. "Miss are you okay?" She yelled once more to get me to wake up and my eyes shot open. "Oh thank God. I thought you were dead. What are you doing out here? Oh my god, you're bleeding!" The girl was frantic as she examined my immobile frame. She dabbed my injuries with a single paper napkin, but it wasn't enough. She tried to find something else to help, but she was too worked up to have found anything that would be remotely useful.

"D—" I could barely utter even my own name in this pathetic state, I cleared my throat, but it didn't help much for my voice at the moment. I felt my limbs spark to life again, my fingers were able to wiggle and my heartbeats evened out, but my eyes were still adjusting to the brightness of this planet's red giant. It was unbelievable how different it was from Gordion, it was brighter and hotter than my planet.

"Can I help you with anything? Why is your skin purple? Why do you sparkle? Are you from the Twilight books?" She laughed, "Why aren't you wearing normal clothes?" The blonde-haired female rattled off too many questions, but I tried my best to answer all of them.

I cleared my throat again in hopes it would help, and it did. "My name is Dian Heart. I come from the Galaxy Trumph, my home planet is Gordion which happens to be the overseer of all the planets in that Galaxy. My skin is discolored compared to yours because we have special abilities that appear as colored dust. And I'm not wearing clothes because they were taken from me before my trip here." I took a breath before I told the girl anything else. "Could you help me, I seem to be losing a lot of blood and it doesn't look like it's going to be stopping anytime soon." I held my right side and put as much pressure as I could in my weakened condition to try and stop the blood from flowing too much.

The girl smiled. "Sure! Oh by the way my name Claire Ross." She helped me up and dragged me to a motorized vehicle that had a similar frame to our royal carriages, but not totally the same. It wasn't as bouncy that's for sure. I watched the greenery pass by the windows as we sped down a few roads, her turns were insane and made my grip on my bleeding abdomen move.

I kept glancing over at the young girl and wondered what made her believe me so quickly, I imagined humans to be unaccepting of others if they were different from themselves. " you believe me?" 

Her eyes sparkled as she turned to get a quick peek at me before looking back at the road ahead, "Because I can tell there is something different about you, and I don't mean your purple hair or skin, something about the way you talk. It's fascinating. Plus I don't judge, I mean look at me, I'm a klutzy nerd who found an alien girl bleeding in the middle of nowhere." She giggled. "Trust me, there are jerky people out there, but I'm not one of them, I know what it's like to be on the outside of life so I'm more accepting than most." She looked at me again, smiled, and switched her gaze back to the road ahead.

"Thank you." I breathed out and went back to watching the passing imagery through the window.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


So guys! Chapter three!! Can you believe it!! I can't lol  it's been so long XD anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to the next, and if you hadn't noticed I'm not very good at cliffhangers sooooooo bear with me a bit ;p


Is anyone out there A.R.M.Y?  If so, who's your bias, bias wrecker or are you OT7? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, tell me who your favorite singer/group is and if you have a favorite song, you too A.R.M.Y! I want to know!!

My bias is Yoongi, and Jungkook is my bias wrecker, although I can see myself being OT7! I personally don't really have a favorite song because they're all so good, but if I had to pick, it would probably be Blue & Gray or Life Goes On, but again they have so many good songs, it's so hard to choose just one or two lol.

Alright, guys don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you again in chapter four!!


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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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