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POV Ethan
As David and I walked back to the town, people immediately started running up to us yelling things. "Wow wow what's going on?" David asked Yadira. Yadira looked at him,"It's Snow! Her vitals have dropped! She's not breathing!" Yadira yelled. Our eyes widen. David then started sprinting towards his house. I was going to run after him when, Yadira grabbed my hand. "Ethan it's not a good idea to go right now. Please just trust me," she said. I looked at her and yanked my arm out of her grasp. "I have to leave. I gotta get out of here," I said and stared running out of the town. I continued running until I was back to the picnic area. I sat down and cried. "Please God please let her stay," I said as I hugged myself. I then laid down on the cold ground and fell asleep.

POV Daniel
I sighed as I walked out of David's house. He had finally stabilized Snow. Her body was hooked up to many different machines. They were the only thing keeping her alive. I knew there was only so long that Snow would stay alive. She needed to wake up. I walked around the town and saw Yadira running to me. "Daniel! Have you seen Ethan? He ran off yesterday when he heard the news," she said when she finally caught up to me. I shook my head. "I haven't seen him, but I'll go find him," I said walking away from Yadira. I need to hurry and find him. He's not in a good place right now. Only God knows what will happen to him, if Snow does die. I then started running out of the town. 'Please be okay,' I thought as I kept running. When I finally found Ethan, I saw him on the edge of a cliff. Below was a river of water. My eyes widen,"ETHAN!" I yelled and ran up to him. Ethan turned and started to step backwards. "Stop Ethan! You can't do this! You'll die of you jump off!" I said stepping forward. Ethan said nothing and continued to step towards the edge of the cliff. "Please Ethan. Snow wouldn't want this. Snow-" I was cut off by Ethan. "Shut up Daniel you don't know what I'm feeling right now!" He yelled and continued to step backwards. I stepped forward slowly,"Ethan you feel sad, alone, isolated. You're afraid and that's okay. Just please stop. I know how you feel. I've felt this way before. You don't have to do this." I said still walking towards Ethan. Ethan smiled at me,"I'm sorry Daniel," and he fell off the cliff and into the water.

POV Yadira
I sighed as I continued walking around the town. I just wanted Ethan to be okay. I mean the way he just ran off. It was scary. I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen. I don't what it was, but I just feel it in my gut. I continued walking until I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Mike. "Sorry," I said and continued walking. Mike ran over to me,"Hey what's wrong?" He asked. I said nothing and continued walking away. Mike ran over once again and put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and snapped,"Just leave me alone Mike! Stop bothering me!" I yelled and ran away from him.

POV Daniel
I watched as Ethan fell into the water. Without thinking I jumped in and looked around. "Ethan!" I shouted and started swimming still looking for him. When I finally found him I grabbed his arm and dragged him back to land. "Ethan!" I yelled again and placed my head on his chest. bump...bump...bump Thank god. His heart was still beating. I pushed down on his chest and eventually Ethan woke up and started spitting out water. I patted his back and waited for him to calm down. "Why? Why wouldn't you let me die!" Ethan shouted at me. I stared at him in shock. I then slapped him,"Are you crazy?! What the hell are you doing?! You can't go off and just jump off a cliff!! Snow would freaking hate it if you did!" I yelled at him. Ethan said nothing. He just hugged himself. "I'm sorry Daniel. It's just hard to live  you know. I'm alone in this world. I have nothing left ," he said. I sighed and laid down,"It gets better you know," I said looking at the sky. Ethan looked at me,"How would you know?" He said. I smiled at him,"Ethan you don't know much about me. You don't know where I came from. Or what I've been through. But that's all about to change," I sighed,"Ethan Dolan this is my story. This is a story about a boy who didn't know how to love."

Hey guys I'm back!! Sorry I was out for so long. I honestly thought I had already finished this story. Oops my bad 😂 I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and share this story with your friends. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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