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POV David
It's been four months since Snow fell into a coma. It's been honestly frustrating. I want to tell everyone the truth. I wanna scream that Snow isn't going to wake up from her coma. That the chances of her waking up is one in a million. But I can tell that everyone is slowly losing hope. Snow's condition has worsened. It's not getting any better. She's slowly slipping  away and I'm afraid that Ethan is too. I know about the cuts. I know about his depression. About his loneliness. I know that he too is slowly giving up. I sighed I walked out of my house. I couldn't stand being in there. Snow just staying there haunted me. I felt like it was my fault that she got hurt. Though I knew better then to think like that. Everyone was probably somehow blaming themselves. Even though the mission was a success in a way it was kinda a failure as well. Without Snow we couldn't post that video proving that she was the true queen. It was a shame. All this hard work and effort for nothing. I walked over to Snow's and Ethan's house. "Hey Ethan come here!" I yelled seeing him up on the roof. He looked down at me with this brown eyes. He didn't say anything and just slid off the roof. "Follow me," I said walking out of the village. We continued away in silence until we got to the place. Ethan stopped walking and looked at the place. "Why the hell would you bring me here?!" He yelled at me. I smiled at him. I knew he'd be upset. This is where Snow and Ethan had their picnic.
"I thought that we could stay here and have a little chat," I said smiling at him. Ethan just stared at me as I sat down on the rocks. Ethan sighed and sat by me. We said nothing and just looked at the flowing river. "I know about your cuts Ethan," I said looking at him. Ethan smiled at me,"I don't care," he said back. I sighed,"Snow wouldn't like you doing that." Ethan shook his head,"It doesn't matter. Snow's not here. She's not coming back." Ethan said ignoring my glare and looking at the river. I continued to glare at him,"Hey you can't give up hope. There's a one in a million chance Snow will make up. Just that little much is enough to make me stay strong. Besides if you give up everyone else will follow." I said looking down. Ethan looked over at me,"You have no idea what I'm going through so just leave me alone!" He shouted. I stared at him in shock. I then started laughing. "I have no idea what you're going through!? Okay Ethan what if I told you that there was a boy who could not see? What if I told you that boy struggled every day of his miserable life? What if I told you that by the age of 10 that boy wanted to die? Then what if I told you that an angel came to him and cured him of his cursed eyes? Would you believe me? Or would you see me as a fool. That angel was my very own sister. I love her very dearly. I love her with all my life, but what if I told you that there was a time that I wanted her to be dead? Would you still believe me." Ethan stared at me in shock. "Ethan this is my story. It's not one that I like to tell. You won't remember my face. Or what I look like or who I was. But I assure you that you will remember my story."
{Okay so the following is David telling his story to Ethan fyi}
"I grew up in England, but you already know that. When I was born I was told that I had the most beautiful eyes. They were a sparkly ocean blue. I was a glowing baby boy with beautiful eyes. Snow would always tell me how amazing there were. We were so close. My siblings, my father, my mother. We were all happy. We were a perfect family. But that all changed one day. When I was 10 a women snuck came into the castle with a knife. She came into my room and stared down at me. She raised her knife and took away my eyes. She took away my version to see. That woman is the same woman who I call mother. Keep in mind I didn't know that at the time. Soon after, my Father died and after that it seemed like everything went downhill from there. My mother forced me to go to school even though I begged her not to. 'I can't see!' I screamed at her and in return she said,' you do not raise your voice at a queen' So I went to school. They called me freak, loser, monster. I was totally blind. I tried adjust, but I couldn't. My brothers and I weren't as close as we are now. In fact we didn't even consider ourselves brothers after my father's death. And Snow? Snow was hated too. Everything bad that happened was because of her. The cursed princess. That's what they called her. My mother told me it was because I was 'friends' with Snow that my eyes were gone. I loved my mother and I believed everything she said. So I went through my life hating my very own sister. Snow didn't do anything wrong. She tried to help me the best she could. In school she's lead me to my classes, but I'd always keep my distance. 'I don't need your help. I don't need your pity!' I would scream at Snow. But Snow never yelled back. She'd just take my hand and say 'C'mon lets hurry and get to class.' After that I started to think differently about what my mother said. Snow wasn't the kind to cause pain upon others. She was kind and gentle. So I let my guard down. She helped me learn anatomy and soon I was the smartest kid in my class again. Crazy I know. A blind kid the smartest person in the class. Months had passed and I finally leaned how to get my vision back. But to do this I'd need help. So after doing some illegal things, I finally got a pair of eyes. I trusted my sister with my life. So I asked if she'd be there when the doctors did the procedure. Snow of course said yes. After my operation I had to wear glasses, but that was okay. Because at least I got to see again. So eventually I realized what Snow was going through. I didn't realize how badly she was being treated by the queen. I wanted to save her. I wanted to bring her happiness. That's when Daniel came to me and Danny with a note. We hadn't spoken in years, but after reading that note we knew what we were suppose to do. So we teamed up and helped Snow escape from England. And you know the rest from there." I said looking at Ethan. He stared at me in shock. "You were once blind?" He said still shocked. I smiled at him,"I know what it feels like to lose the person you loved the most. I hated Snow for so long, but when I realized everything I knew about her was wrong, my whole life changed. I'm her big brother Ethan. I love her very much," I looked over at him and a felt a tear run down my face,"You can't give up hope, on someone who would never give up on you." I said. Ethan smiled at me. "Thank you for telling me that David. I know you're right. Snow would never give up on me, so I should never do that to her. I'll try to stop cutting. I'll try to be happy. I'll try to be there for her. No, I will be there for her. Because David I love her too. I love her more than anything." Ethan said still smiling at me. We sat in silence as time passed on. I picked up a stick and wrote in the dirt. Finally when it got dark Ethan and I decided that it was time to go. We said goodbye to the old picnic place, and walked back to the town.

So once, there was this  family who seemed perfect.
They had the perfect looks
The perfect house
The perfect family
But what if that's all you saw on the outside?
If  you looked a little farther you would notice that perfect family was actually just broken.
They let themselves seem perfect to the outside world to hide how broken they were.
They didn't know how the world would see them if they did in fact find out they were broken.
That it was all just an act.
They were afraid
And who could blame them?
People judge on what they see on the outside.
Everyone is guilty of that.
But if you saw how a person really was
Would you still look at the the same?
If you saw their flaws and insecurities
Would you still believe that they were perfect?
In a world like this we learn to keep things to ourselves.
Afraid of what others might think
Afraid of being an outcast
Being different in front of your peers
We learn to judge on the outside and to keep things to ourselves.
We are all try to be perfect
But one day the world will see the truth
They'll learn that maybe you aren't as confident, flawless, and perfect as you seem.
They'll see the truth behind your broken eyes and fake smiles.
They'll see that the world is full of broken people
And that you're apart of that world
Whether or not they decide to stay
Is completely up to them.

I hope you liked this chapter. I actually wrote the  italicized part as an assignment when I was school. The teacher read it out loud and I gotta admit it was really embarrassing. Please vote for this story and share it with your friends. Also comment on what you think I wanna know. Sorry it's kind long. Thanks for reading.

My Queen {Dolan Twins} on holdWhere stories live. Discover now