"Care to share something with the class, girls?" Ms Sherry raised an eyebrow. "I hear one more sound from you two, detention. Get it?"

  "Yes Ms Sherry," we both said. I swallowed nervously. Tania looked as if she was about to say something but I quickly shook my head. The talk could wait until after school. I was not prepared to lose my tradition of never getting detentions.

  After school, Tania arrived at my Chemistry class and pulled me out of the class. That was how Tania was. Sweet on the outside but rough, violent, yet fun on the inside with an "I don't give a damn" attitude. Best friend ever.

  "You, Sarah Lewis, are coming with me right this second to go shop for some decent clothes!" She stuffed me in her car without waiting for an answer. "We'll come back later to get your car."

  We were the first ones to get out of school, by the time we were out of the gates, students had only started to stream out of classes. Tania drove us to a huge shopping mall that seemed to be packed with lots of rich people, looking at how many luscious cars there were parked in the car park. Tania expertly maneuvered the car into a parking lot, mere seconds before another car drove past.

   "Your driving's not bad," I complimented her. She shrugged it off coolly, got out of the car and walked to the entrance. I followed behind, running to catch up with her. "Dude, slow down."

  "We have no time to lose!" Tania pulled me as we zoomed past startled shoppers and colours flashed past as she ran faster and faster. She stopped abruptly, causing me to almost fall down the escalator. "We're here, at my favourite shop."

  I looked up at the signboard. Smashing Sixteens. What? "Nice shop name," I said under my breath, but Tania heard me. She smacked me on the head with her bag, and it hurt. A lot. "Ow! Okay fine, it's horrible. Happy?" She smacked me one more time and I shut my mouth. I looked around the shop. It was pretty good, I guess. Not too pink or frilly, nor was it too black or boring. It had a colourful range of clothes, all of them casual.

  I stepped in and a light blue tank top caught my eye. I immediately turned it over and looked at the price tag : $30. What?! How could a simple tank top cost so much? "Tania, the clothes are too expensive," I hissed at her. She just smirked and waved a white card in front of me. Smashing Sixteens member card.

   "No worries my cat, this amazing card lets us have 50% discount on everything in this shop," she said. My cat? Where did she get that from? Tania darted around the shop, looking through all the clothing racks. Once she was done, a pile of clothes was dumped into my arms. "Go try these out, then I'll see how you look in them."

   The shop assistant helped me place the clothes onto the bench in the dressing room, and sorted the pile into shirts, jeans, shorts etc. I closed the door, looking at myself in the mirror. Tania was right. My clothes were a little too plain. I tried on all the clothes, swapping different shirts, jeans and shorts to match the correct outfit.

  In the end, I bought everything in that pile. The total cost was $160, but with Tania's trusty card, I only had to pay $80. Since I only had twenty bucks with me, Tania offered to lend me some money first. She also brought me to buy some underwear, shoes and bikinis.

   "Must we really buy this?" I asked, holding up a skimy black bikini.

   "Yes, we have a party this Friday at Adam's house again, and this time you're going to swim and show off your amazing bod," Tania winked at me and prodded my stomach. I laughed and poked her two sides. She squealed and we chased each other around the shop, acting like immature little girl, until the shop assistant told us to stop fooling around.

   "Blue brings out your eyes," Tania said, narrowing her eyes and scrutinizing me closely. In the end, I also bought a blue bikini.

  "I'm going to be broke if we continue shopping," I groaned. We each carried 5 bags and people were giving us weird looks. Finally, we came to the car. I dumped everything in the massive boot in her car and we drove home. "Hey mom," I said. My mother didn't even ask why I came home heaving 10 bags. It was like she knew about this already...

   "You and Tania discussed this, haven't you?" I looked suspiciously at my mom.

  She gave me a guilty look and nodded. "I'll pay for your clothes, dear, you really needed better looking clothes to impress the nice boy," she was referring to Adam. I rolled my eyes.

   "Mum, we're just friends. And I changed my wardrobe because well, Tania forced me too..." I was going to say I needed a change of style, but it was really Tania who started this. My mum helped me with donating all my unwanted clothes to charity. But I kept my beloved black jacket. God, I loved that jacket. It was odd sleeping in my new pink and white plaid pajamas. My eyes closed immediately after my head hit the pillow. Today was a long day, but I could hardly wait to see people's reactions tomorrow...

  Author's Note

OHHH finally I had a chance to write this!! I'm awfully sorry I haven't been on Wattpad for so long, exams are coming.. :( Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and I can't promise that the next chapter will come anytime soon but I'll try. :D Thanks for reading!

  Love, Joey

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