Fallen Angel (paranormal)

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Inspiration: The song 'I Will Not Bow' and 'Angels Fall' by Breaking Benjamin

Inspiration: The song 'I Will Not Bow' and 'Angels Fall' by Breaking Benjamin

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Third POV

The world came closer to him in a terrifying speed, he could already make out the blue of the oceans and the green and brown of the lands expanding below him.

Eremiel fell through the clouds like a dangerous lightning strike, the wind howled past him, masking his screams.

The light from which he came disappeared behind his falling and crumbling form. Everything he had known, disappeared behind him, and he was like a small fish that someone had released in the wide-open ocean. Scared of the unknown before him and hoping, praying, that he would be taken back to the place he viewed and had known his entire life as 'safe'.

Eremiel tried to spread his wings in the hope of breaking his unavoidable fall, but it was in vain. His wings were broken and they hurt too much for him to fly away and bring himself towards safety.

Fear gripped around his heart. Angels might be immortal, but they weren't indestructible. Everyone knows that.

The darkness around him started to rise, wrapping around him like a warm blanket, whispering promises in his ear and making him almost feel at ease.


The blissful feeling that Eremiel had, disappeared when he crashed into a lake. Instead of darkness, he was suddenly engulfed by ice-cold water. He tried to gasp for air, but the water filled his lungs. In panic, he swung his arms forwards, trying to swim towards the surface.

He could see the moon through the surface above him. He tried to swim towards it, but his broken wings kept pulling him down. They had absorbed a lot of water and his wings had gained weight as a result, dragging him deeper into the depths of the - surprisingly deep - lake.

Eremiel clenched his teeth together and fought with all his remaining strength and willpower to reach the water surface. He could not afford to die here. He refused to die.

 He refused to die

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