i gave up

11 2 1

The picture above is one I took. See more on my instagram @ _anyoneelse and @ painted.flower 

poem I wrote 5/12/16. I might fix the last stanza later. It may seem confusing.

Soon you will notice that I have given up. I have given up on giving in.
Giving up on giving into doubt. Giving up on giving into the place my mind went when I was with you.

I tried to make you my house. I'm giving up on giving into the idea that a person is my home. I give up running to you when I'm alone. I won't give into the thoughts of you that my train runs on to self loathe.

only to wreck

I gave up on the idea of you and I because you broke my wings the second I had learned to fly.

and never once did you step up
never once did you have a reason why
and the last thing that I can say is
good bye

-This is about moving on. Growing away from people. Someone who was important to you but now isn't the same. Please know that it's OK to still care. Just don't stay stuck on someone who doesn't see you as you see them.

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