First Night with a Gryffindor

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(Draco's POV)

I stomp angrily into my new dorm and scowl. First, I find out Potter and I are paired up together and I am now forced to share a dorm with him. Then, I fail a stupid quiz over the necessities of plants and fungi. After that, an idiot in Transfiguration changed my new robes into moths. And finally... I have to deal with Potter... Again...

I sit down on the black sofa nearest to the golden stone fireplace and start the fire. The flames glow brightly and the warmth hits my body perfectly. Well... I cannot fully complain about today. There were some perks.

I turned down Pansy, again, got my robes back, thanks to Professor McGonagall, and shot a couple of harmless jinxes at the golden trio as they made their way to classes... Yep that was nice...

My thought were rudely interrupted by the sounds of foot steps. Potter was making his way into our small dorm. I open my mouth to shoot a comment but stop when I see him. He looked more tired and done than I did.

"What the fuck happened to you Potter?"

He glared weekly at me and dropped his books, papers and quills on the mahogany table on the other end of the room. He then sits on the burnt red couch beside mine and curls up.

What surprised me was that he did not shoot back with another wiry comment, like he usually does, in fact... He did not pay any mind to me at all being in the same room.

I decided to drop it and go back to my thoughts. I thought of my "friends" and the rest of the Slytherins. Then I thought of the war... It had changed so much in so little time. I was starting to wonder about my father when soft snores came from the direction of Potter. He had fallen asleep. His body was shivering a little. The fire did not seem to keep him warm enough. I scowl and get up.

"Stupid Potter. Doesn't even know what a bed is..."

I go and grab a blanket from the other room and drape it over my arm. But before I make it back into the main room, something emerald green under Potters bed catches my eye and I walk over to it. I pick it up and see it's an old hand knitted sweeter. It was green and silver just like the Slytherin colours but there was a large and fancy H on the front. I scoff and throw it back down before exiting the room. I then toss the blanket over the boy and watch him curl into it.

After a little bit of organising, messing about and going to the great hall for dinner, with Potter, I decided to get ready for bed. I grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom only to find a shirtless Potter with a towel around his waist.

"S-Sorry..." He mumbled as he left the bathroom. I, on the other hand, was too shocked to say, or do, anything. He looked horrible. He had barely any fat or muscle on him and his skin was sickly pale. At first I thought I had walked in onto a walking corpse.

I shake my head and continue with what I was doing. I set my clothes down and strip. I mean I wasn't any better. I was getting thinner as well, but Potter was much worse. I clear my head again and start changing into my nightwear.

After I finish getting ready, I leave and go to my bed. I lay down on the soft silky blankets and curl up. Did the new Headmaster plan for this to happen? Did he think that Potter and I could help each other? If so, he was going to find out that Potter and I one hundred percent hate one another.

Potter suddenly walked into the room dragging his feet and I watch as he gets beneath the covers. For a moment I had thought he had fallen asleep but I get shocked when I hear small whimpers and soft cries coming from the perfect savior. Harry bloody Potter, the golden boy, was...


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