Chapter One

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Hey, everyone! I hope you enjoy my story. Just so you know,  I do not own Warriors. WArRiorS3542 and Weirdooooo101 made the clans, made the cats, and helped me with my story. Be sure to check out Weridoooooo101's story, Warriors: Lost and check out WArRiorS3542's story, Warriors: Sootkit's Journey. Thank's guys!

   Flamepaw woke in his bedding. He had a strange dream, but he wrote it off as just an ordinary dream. He had just realized Smokestar yowled,

   "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Firerock!" Firepaw padded over there. Smokestar was a gray tom with orange eyes. By his side was his deputy, Ashtail. Ashtail was a light gray tom, with a dark gray tail, and yellow eyes. The clan was meowing about themselves, so Smokestar then meowed, "Quiet down!" the clan then quickly quieted. He then said, "The Dawn Patrol found something, but I think it'd be best if they told you," Flamepaw had just now noticed that The Dawn Patrol was there. The Border patrol consisted of Blackheart, who is a black she-cat with orange eyes, Flameclaw, who is an orange tom with brown stripes and yellow eyes, Redpaw, who is Flameclaw's Apprentice, that is a dark orange tabby she-cat with red eyes, Amberleaf, an amber she-cat with yellow eyes, and Cinderspirit, a black she-cat with red eyes. Flameclaw meowed,

    "Thank you Smokestar. So we were patrolling the Earthclan border, by the two-leg path and we saw a kitty-pet. She told us she ran away from the two-legs, and that her name was River. We told her a safe place to hide and that we would send a patrol to get her. She had blue-gray fur with blue eyes. Waterclan might take her, as we saw her hunt and she defended herself well. Waterclan is open-minded about kitty-pets, and she looks like a Waterclan cat. We know she was a kitty-pet because she had a collar."

   "Thank you Flameclaw for telling us." Smokestar meowed. "I must think this over. The gathering is over. You may return to your duties." Flamepaw padded over to Rowanflame. It was about time for training. Rowanflame meowed to Flamepaw, "Come on Flamepaw, you need to train. We're doing combat training today."


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  Flamepaw had just finished training- and he was very hungry. He went over to the fresh kill pile. He saw a nice and juicy vole, so he grabbed it. He saw Redpaw eating a mouse, and he decided to sit next to her. Flamepaw meowed "Hey Redpaw."

   "Hi Flamepaw!" Redpaw meowed. She looked like she was enjoying her mouse. She must love them.

   Flamepaw purred. "You must really like mice! I myself love voles."

   "Yeah! They're so delicious. I just finished hunting with Flameclaw. He's been in a  good mood since we found that kitty-pet." meowed Redpaw.

   Flamepaw meowed, "Yeah. He practically described a Waterclan warrior." Flamepaw finished his vole.

   "We think River was Waterclan kin. That would make a lot of sense, right?" Redpaw mewed

   "Yep. I think that too."

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