"It's cute when you guys quickly admitt it," I commented.

"I'll consider that as a yes," he nodded.

I laughed, then nodded.

We exchanged numbers then chatted for a moment about random things, and to be honest it was good.

"Okay I should get going." I said to Isaac after I glanced at the time, it was part 2 am and I felt like going home.

"Its early," he said.

"Yeah but I've had enough partying tonight,"

"Alright, good night." He said and I smiled at him then left.

I decided to take a taxi since I drove here with Wren and she seemed to be having fun with the guy who had his arms around her. I stood on sidewalk waiting for a taxi to pass by.


Fifteen minutes have already passed and there was no taxis passing by, I couldn't walk to my place because it was quite far away from here.

The weather was cold but it wasn't raining, it was just freaking freezing.

I had my jacket on but I still felt cold.

I crossed my arms and I started shaking because of the wind that was blowing.

"Hey cutie," I turned and saw a guy walking in my direction. He was wearing black clothes and he didn't look nice.

I turned around ignoring him, "Are you feeling cold ?" He said playfully.

I ignored him again, "Do you want me to warm you ?" His voice bothered me and I pretended like I didn't hear him.

He approached me and put his hand on my back, "Come here I'll warm you," I could smell alcohol the moment he got close to me.

I jerked away and pushed him, he pulled my hand violently the moment I started walking away. "Leave me alone," I said and tried to get away but his fist was so strong.

"Oh come on sweetheart, let's have fun." His face was close to mine and the moment that happened I yelled.

"You asshole !" I struggled to let go of his fist but he was blocking me.

I tried to kick him with my heels but it didn't work. "Why are you being so stubbron ?" He laughed.

God help me. Please help me.

"Help me !"I screamed but the street was completely empty. Tears were filling up my eyes now, I was starting to panic.

"Help you ? Why would they help you ? We're having fun,"

"Do you want to know what fun is for me ?" I heard someone say loudly behind me. The guy was distracted for a moment so I managed to let go of his grasp.

I turned around and saw a tall guy, his figure looked very familiar.

It was only a few seconds until I realised it was, Alec.

He was standing a few feet behind me staring at the guy who was harassing me, not breaking the eye contact they were having.

I rushed my steps in Alec's direction then stood behind him, I can't believe that I'm saying this is that it  even crossed my mind. But at that moment I felt secure.

Alec towards the stranger and he took a few steps backwards, he was afraid of him.

Of course he'll be, I thought to myself. Alec was much taller and obviously stronger. They had a "talk" that ended up with Alec punching the guy in the face which made him fall to the floor.

I was standing in my place frozen, until I felt Alec take my hand in his as we started walking down the street.

He was walking fast so I had to half run since first I was wearing heels, second I was still shocked and third he was so tall.

"Alec," I finally said, we were still walking and I had no idea where we were going. But for some reason, it didn't matter because I trusted him. I don't know where this came from,  but I did trust him.

He didn't even glance at me when I said his name, he just kept on walking.

"I..-" I tried to say. I swallowed my saliva, took a large breath then said with a shaking voice. "I have never-" My voice broke. "Been.. this happy about seeing you." I finally managed to say the whole sentence.

He stopped in his tracks and I watched him looking in front of him, then turning around to me. "Okay, don't start crying. I don't know how to deal with girls when they cry." He said in a serious tone that made me laugh.

"And what where you doing standing in the middle of the street alone at 2am," He asked waving his hands in the air.


"What's the occasion ?" He asked.

"Since I haven't seen you for three days," I answered honestly.

His laughter filled the empty street and I started to laugh along with him, " Seriously i would have partied meeting you in first place."

"Liar," He rolled his eyes and I just shook my head.

"C'mon my car is only few minutes away," He said after a long silence and as we were walking to the car I felt myself freezing.
"What are you doing here anyways,?" I said rubbing my elbows.
"I was supppsed to meet someone here." He said.

I stared at Alec for a long while, he noticed that I was feeling cold but didn't even give me his coat.

"Not happening," He said after he noticed that I was staring at him and shaking, he knew what I was thinking.

"Oh come on I'm freezing," I said as I walked along with him.

"So am I," he looked away.

"I'm wearing a short dress and my jacket isn't even warming me," I said but he ignored me. "Come on Alec" He ignored me again. "Fine" i said hoping that he'd feel guilty as i walked pretending to be mad.

"Ugh," he stopped then took off his coat and gave it to me.

I wore it immediately and smiled at the instant warmth I felt. I dug my hand in the pocket and kept on walking, I realized Alec was still holding my hand and I fought to not make a comment about it.


I was in the parking lot of my apartment now and I was climbing out of Alec's car, I stopped for a moment and turned to Alec. "Thank you," I said.

He nodded, "No really, thank you." I repeated then climbed out of the car.

"Lydia," I heard him say so I turned around and faced him.

"Yeah ?"

"I just wanna know what part of "Don't cross my path ever again" you didn't understand ?" He said sarcastically.

I laughed, "the same part you didn't understand of "Just say sorry"."

A/N : Hello lovely readers it's us again ! Here's a new chapter and we hope you like it ! Let us know what you think about it by leaving some comments ♡
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