Part Four: Rueful

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October 8, 2027 18:48

"A body has been found!" Monokuma exclaims excitedly through the loudspeaker. "You all have one hour to gather up as much evidence as you can!"

The remaining thirteen contestants stare in shock at Kyle's body. Vackra immediately stumbled to the body to inspect it.

"I bet it was that chloride hexa–whatever!" Samuel cites.

"Check any remaining water. What color is it?" Vackra quickly asks. Shadow immediately runs to Kyle's glass, which somehow only cracked upon impact with the ground.

"Clear," Shadow replies.

"Wasn't it then, it would have turned the water a different color," Vackra mumbles. Vackra continues examining the body, then turns around towards the other contestants.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Spread out and look for evidence!" Vackra commands, immediately inciting the others.


October 8, 2027 19:01

Shadow, Peter, Jason, Eric, and Kaylee stagger into the lab.

"I'm surprised nobody followed us," Jason mumbles.

"People are learning that sticking together in clumps will eventually lead to their downfall," Shadow offers. "Rather, a small group will suffice."

Eric, Jason, and Peter begin searching through the medical equipment while Shadow and Kaylee head towards the chemicals.

"So, why do you think anyone would want to kill Kyle?" Kaylee mumbles to Shadow.

"I'm not quite sure, he didn't pose too much of a threat to anybody that I can think of," Shadow replies. Kaylee and Shadow begin searching through a cabinet filled with different chemicals. Kaylee suddenly stops and looks at Shadow.

"You already know what the chemical is, don't you!" Kaylee mutters harshly.

"Yep, but I'm waiting for these guys to get out of here," Shadow reveals, jabbing his thumb at Eric, Jason, and Peter. Kaylee simply nods and resumes her rummaging through the cabinet.

"Ugh! I don't see any evidence!" Peter grumbles in frustration.

"Calm yourself, Peter. Think of the feeling when you win a basketball game," Jason commands slowly. Immediately, Peter's tension releases.

"Look, maybe we're searching in the wrong area," Eric remarks. Jason nods in return, then the three leave the lab.

"Finally!" Kaylee mumbles after Eric, Jason, and Peter exit. Shadow immediately stops searching through the cabinet and instead gestures towards the test tube rack on top.

"One's missing!" Kaylee exclaims.

"I'm having a hard time remembering what was in that slot, unfortunately," Shadow says glumly.

"Doesn't matter, this is still evidence," Kaylee states, grinning. They both scurry away from the test tube rack, the third test tube missing.


October 8, 2027 19:10

Angela, Jack, Vackra, and Gillian stand around Kyle's body.

"No evidence of punctures?" Gillian asks again.

"None," Vackra reiterates. "Was he acting strange at all at dinner?"

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