Chapter 5

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~2weeks later~
Chanel (pov)
I was peacefully sleeping until I heard the sound of the front door open. I was honestly really scared because Khris was still not home from his trip. I reached over to my dresser and grabbed my pistol making sure it was loaded. I peeked over at the clock and seen it was 1 in morning.
I slowly opens my door and kind of tip toed down the stairs. As I got closer I could hear multiple male voices m. Great I was out numbered.
The voices were coming from the living room. I put my back against the wall and did a lil prayer. I turned around the corner and pointed my gun at the guys but I was shocked to see who it was.
Dre (pov)
Me and the guys were just chilling at my house till I got a call from the guy who we been waiting on to get back. He told us to meet him at his house and he had a spare key on top of the door.
It was about 6 sum in the morning so I called the rest of my niggas and told them what's up. I went to the bathroom to go clean my self up a bit. I just kept on my sweats and white tee but threw on a pair of Js. I heard the sound of a horn and started to make my way outside.
We pulled to this nice ass house that was made out of glass basically well besides the roof. We walked up the door and I got the key from on top of the door and we walked in.
It was even better in the inside me and the guys was looking around like kids in a candy shop.
" damn this house nice asf" cello said as he sat down on the sofa which we all did to.
" hell yea but all this glass tho" I wouldn't be able to live in a house made out of glass. That's just weird to me. We were all just sitting around talking until a girl popped up out of nowhere holding up a gun. I looked closely at the girl and recognized it was Chanel.
Damn she looked good holding up that gun and she was only in a tank top and some underwear.
" THE FUCK YOU IN MY HOUSE FOR" she yelled throwing me of track. Wait her house.
" we hear for Khris " Jason said looking at her with eyes full of lust. Matter fact everyone was looking at her like she was the last piece of ass on earth.
" wait my brother out town" she said as she sat the gun on the little glass table. I was a little shocked when she said brother.
" well he told us to come over here" I said and she looked at me and smiled.
" hey Dre" she said I could listen to her say my name all day.
" hey beau-" I was interrupted by the sound of the front closing. We all looked towards that direction and in walked Khris . In all honesty he looked scary asf like he had the look of kill everything that is breathing on earth.
"chanel diablos yo ropa a" he said I hope this nigga speak English.
"Tenía la esperanza de salir de la cama porque pensé que la casa estaba siendo brokein a" Chanel said walking over to him. Damn she speak another language to.
" aye luh nigga keep yo eyes up" Khris said looking at Jason. Who was eyeing Chanel but quickly stopped.
" but ok you can go back to bed princess" Khris said kissing Chanel on her forehead. She smiled and went back up stairs. As soon as he looked at us his face went back to kill mode.
" don't nun of you niggas ever look at my sister like that again" he said making sure to look all of us in the eyes. That wasn't gone stop me.
" is this all of y'all" he asked
" yea" I said he looked at me for a moment then nodded his head. I noticed he two had green eyes but they were way lighter than Chanel's.
" mhmm so for now all y'all have to do is sell I will give you everything you need later but for the time being I need two or three of you niggas to stay here" he looked around at all of us.
" you, you,and you" he said pointing to me, cello, and this nigga Brian.
" and the rest of you can follow me to the trap" Khris said standing up they all followed him out the door so it was just us 3.
" wtf we gone do " cello said laughing I swear that's all that nigga does is laugh.
" I guess chill what time is it" I asked.
" 9:00" Brian said as he was noise deep in his phone. I just sat back and watched what was on the tv.

Chanel (pov)
I was just laying down in my bed looking around. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just decided to go get ready for the day because the sun was already up. I went in side of the bathroom to take a shower and stuff.
~15 min later~
I was looking around my closet looking for a out to wear. Till I finally put something together.

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