28- Valentine's Day

Start from the beginning

"Once I leave?" He sounded confused as he stopped rubbing my feet.
"Well yeah, look Justin I'm thankful that you've been by my side this whole entire time but I just need a day to myself." I felt bad, I could tell by the look written on his face.he just wanted to be by my side and I'm so glad that he wants to be here.

"Yeah I understand but I'll leave you alone, if you need anything just call me." And with that said he quickly got up and left me all alone.

I walked to the front door and looked out the window to see Justin's car speeding off causing me to quickly walk back to the couch where my phone was.

I sent Tyga a quick message telling him to come over. I bit my lip nervously as I hit send. I didn't like to lie to Justin but he would never let me hang out with him and Tyga makes me happy. It's Valentine's Day and I should be able to spend it with someone I love and care about, if Justin can't respect than I will do what I have to in order to get what I want.

I jumped when I heard the doorbell ring, it only caused me to smile as I attempted to run to the front door. I swung the door and about to jump into Tyga's arms, but it wasn't Tyga.

My smile dropped before I even opened my mouth,
"Justin, what are you doing back here?" I played with my hair nervously.
"I think I left my phone here, sorry to ruin your alone time." He chuckled before brushing past me.
"I'll help you look for it." I closed the door quickly and rushed to the living room to help him search the couch for the missing phone.

Shit Kylie, you're going to get caught! Tyga will be here any minute and so will Justin. He's going to find out you lied to him. My heart began to race as I turned my living room upside down look for that damn phone.

"I look up stairs." I poked my head in the kitchen to tell Justin who was sitting on the counter scrolling through his phone. I ran up the stairs and tried to remember what rooms he went in.

As I was walking to my bedroom I stopped and realized Justin was just on his phone.

"You found it.." I had a pout as I leaned my head on the wall.
"Yeah I was going to tell you but you raced up the stairs." I nodded my head as I kept my eyes on him.

"Okay well, you have your phone now." I cleared my throat hoping he'd get the hint.
"Right you want me to get out of your hair and leave you all alone on Valentine's Day." He rolled his eyes.

"Please and thank you." I smiled as I lead him to the front door.
"Alright so I'm giving you your day, what do you think about us hanging out tomorrow? We could go shopping for baby stuff, you know get the final touches." He leaned his back against the door.

"Yeah sounds good." I gave him a quick smile causing him to frown.
"We need to get the rest of the baby stuff, and I think you're suppose to back a hospital bag or something like that..."

"Justin! Please..just go. I just want a day to myself to not stress about all the stuff we have left to do, you know to just relax." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"You're right, I'm sorry I'll give you your day. You deserve to have this time for yourself I'm sorry for being a nuisance." I bit my lip as he let out a sigh.

He put his hand on my shoulder before giving me a gentle smile and opening the door. My eyes widen as I saw Tyga standing there about to knock on the door.

"Am I early or something?" T spoke up as he sized up Justin causing my stomach to twirl.
"What are you doing here? Kylie doesn't want you here." Justin did the same as he clenched his jaw.

"Kylie if you didn't want me here then why the hell did you text me telling me to come over?" He frowned at me causing Justin to turn around with his jaw still clenched.

"Time alone huh? You're so selfish, I was here by your side everyday and you want to spend your time with this dude who didn't even show up to the hospital?" Just let out a laugh before shaking his head and pushing past Tyga.

"Justin wait," he stopped and turned around with a frown on his face.
"I'm sorry.." I waited for his response but all he did was just turn around and walk to his car.

"Let him go Kylie." I felt Tyga wrap his arm around my shoulders, my eyes were watering as Justin watched us from his car. I quickly pushed Tyga away from me before walking inside.

"I just fucked up! We were doing so good, we were back on good terms and I just ruined it by lying to him and for what? A day with a guy who treats me badly and doesn't even deserve to be in the same room as me?" I spoke softly as Tyga walked closer to me wrapping his arms around my belly.

"Get off of me! You ruined! You ruin everything. Just get out! Leave! Right now T I don't want you here just go please." I opened the front door waiting for him to leave.

He slammed the door shut but there wasn't a reaction from me, I couldn't even react I was still in shock that I might have really ruined the relationship between Justin and I over Tyga. Thinking about that broke my heart, I want to call Justin right away but I know I can't call him immediately, it would on piss him off even more but I don't know what to do with myself.

Sitting around and thinking about how I possibly could have ruined something that was going so well was only making my head hurt, my heart hurt, my stomach hurt, just my body in general was in a big ache and the only person that could fix it was now mad at me.

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