1. I Thought

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Entering through the door, I turned to wave at Steven.

He smiled and returned my gesture.

I watched him drive away before stepping back and closing the door.

Steven is my best friend. I've known him for the past two years and he's a really cool guy. Even after all this time, I haven't told him everything about me.

About my situation.

The sound of heavy snoring met my ears. Following the sound, I found my boyfriend, Brian. He was layed out across the couch. Breathing out in anger, I turned on my heels and quietly made my way down the hall to our room.

It was nearing two o'clock. Brian shouldn't be home. He should be at work. The only reason that he would be home so early is because he lost his damn job. He's been through three jobs in the past five months. He can never keep a job.

I closed the room door and sat on the bed. Then, I began loosening my shoelaces.

My job at the little shop down the street from my home only paid enough for me to pay the rent and have food in the fridge for a few weeks. Brian's checks usually pay the other bills, but now he's lost the job.

Walking into the bathroom, I removed my clothes. I shut the bathroom door and turned the knob before watching the water shot from the shower head. When the water had warmed up enough, I stepped under it.

Guess I'll be working extra hours...


I pulled on a plain top and a pair of bright socks. As I closed my drawer, I heard the familiar tune of a TV commercial.

I tensed.

He's awake.

Breathing deeply, I proceeded to relax. Then, I made my way out of the room and down the hall. I spotted Brian leaning forward. His curly hair was the only thing I could see from where I stood, but it was enough for me.

I paused and closed my eyes, praying that the rest of the day went by without any tears.

My tears, specifically.

Exhaling softly, I continued towards the kitchen. Brian must have heard me because he turned to look at me.

"Hey, baby."

"Hi," I replied loud enough for him to hear me.

He stood and followed me to the kitchen. "Where were you today?

I pulled out the chicken breasts from the freezer and preheated the oven. "I went to the gym."

I opened the fridge and dug through it in search of the peppers. When I got them, I placed them on the cutting board before grabbing a knife.

"When did you get back?"

I began cutting. "About half an hour ago."

Brian stepped behind me and grabbed my waist. I began cutting slower.

"Were you alone?"

I knew if I told him that I hadn't been there alone but with Steven, he'd go fucking crazy. So, I had to think quickly and answer smart.

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