Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey guys! I've been feeling better lately and I'm now settled in my new house so I can update regularly again! Also I have a small announcement. I've decided to make a personal Wattpad acc to post more of my stories so if anyone is interested, I'd be happy if you followed. My personal acc is @trippedonaladybug. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story :D

Hinata heard gentle footsteps slowly begin to descend down the stairs. His mother called out for him as she walked down but Hinata did not react at all. When his mother got to the kitchen, she saw Hinata clutching his knees as he shook. She quickly rushed over, frightened and worried.

"Shouyou!" She yelled. "What's wrong?!" She said, concern overwhelming her voice. She put her arms around him as she tried to calm him down. He shook in her arms and began to mumble something with a frozen state. His mother tried to listen to what he was saying.

"'" Is all she could gather from his continuous mumbles. She wasn't sure what he was talking about but it had to have been something terrible if it sent him into extreme shock like this.

"Shouyou, can you hear me...?" She asked hopefully. No answer. "Shouyou..." She said again. This time she heard him stop talking. This must mean she is getting through to him even slightly. "Shouyou, I'm going to call the hospital, okay?" She waited to see he understood. He started to relax a bit in her arms. "We are going to have you checked on, okay?" She asked once more. He seemed to understand. She looked around for a phone and picked up the first one she found. Then she called 119 and waited for a response.

Soon, the ambulance showed up and took Hinata on a stretcher to their car. They told his mother that she could ride along with him if she would like but she said that she'll drive to the hospital herself once her daughter is awake as well. The ambulance then took off to the hospital as fast as they could. When they got there, Hinata was placed in a room and attached to multiple machines to keep his heart rate from going too rapidly. They also hooked him up to a machine which would give him a type of gas to calm him down. Then doctors ran some tests on him to make sure nothing was wrong.

Kageyama's POV

I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. The sun was just rising and the freshness of the night was still in the air. I sat up and stretched my arms above my head as I yawned. I tossed my legs over the side of my bed and stood up, making my way to my closet. I picked out some clothes and then went down stairs. It was like any other day, until I got to the kitchen. I turned on the TV to the news channel when a certain story caught my eye.

"Yet another brutal murder has happened in the Miyagi region. This time, the victim was a tall young man, looking to be a highschooler, with a shaved head. He seems to have gone to the nearby school and then caught off guard in his alley." Is what the reporter had said. I stopped dead in my tracks as I processed what they had just said. Highschooler? Shaved head? Could this be...Tanaka-san?! I feared the worst and couldn't believe this was the case. They pulled up an image of the discarded body on the television and surely enough; they were wearing a Karasuno Volleyball Club jacket. I stared at the screen in utter shock. Why were so many people dying all of a sudden? It seemed like the people that I most recently talked with have all been victims of murder. But why was this happening? Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong to place this fate on the people around me? I couldn't think straight at all. I decided to try and get my mind off of the matter by pouring myself a glass of milk when all of a sudden the phone starts to ring.

"What now..." I say to myself. I walk over and pick it up. "Hello?" I say.

"Kageyama-kun, is that you?!" A distressed voice starts to speak. I was very confused.

"Yes it is. Who are you?" I asked.

"It's Shouyou's mother. I have something important to tell you. It's about Shouyou." She said. I gulped. What could this important thing be? I wondered. Well if it had to do with Hinata, then I would do anything I could.

"What's the news...?" I said with a concerned tone.

"Something terrible has happened! This morning he just started shaking and mumbling a strange phrase over and over again..." My eyes widened. What was wrong with him?! "It was as if he was in some type of trance and he wouldn't stop rocking and shaking so I called the ambulance. You can go check on him if you would like. I just thought you should know since you two are so close."

"Thank you for notifying me." I managed to say calmly. "And don't worry. I'm sure he will be okay." I told her. She seemed to agree. We said our goodbye's and ended the call. As soon as I was off the call, I collapsed. Why...? Why was this happening...? Why are all the people I care for being taken away from me...? I don't understand... Was it something I did..? I began to tear up. I wiped away the wetness from my eyes and slowly got up. I had to go see him. I had to go see Hinata!

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