@SciFi Competitons #High Tech / The Old Game

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Foggy smoke clouds hung in the one room apartment. The fitting-out was sparsely. Just a bed, kitchenette, desk, chair, a wing chair and a wardrobe. The walls, once white, were painted with nicotine. The desk and the chair stood in front of his Wall Of Fame. Medals, certificates, photos, honourings and other witnesses of a successful life surfaced this historic wall.

It's like in former times, he thought, sitting at the desk, watching on his screen, when a knock at his door let him startle. A tiny piece of paper were send underneath the door. Steps on the floor. Fast steps.
Under grunting and groaning he stood up from the chair, and picked the little message from the floor ignoring the protest of his old bones.

CU 12min as usual. Rad

"What the..." Suddenly he understood. After a glance at his watch, he went to his desk with his computer equipment. He finished his code, checked and approved it. "It's your turn now, PaMaTwo." He caressed the screen tenderly, ate the note and swallowed it with a big gulp of FREE Coke.

Rad were waiting nervously at the crossing Freeway 6 and Glorystreet, counting the minutes.
Why is he coming so late? He was at home. I know he was. What hold him?
It lasted more than twelf minutes, 37 to be exact, before the old man turned up.

"You didn't change a thing, old man", said Radjid. The arrival grined. "Yes, but you did. You look quiet transparent, old friend." - "I knew you'll get wise to my circumtances", Radjid answered seriously but lightened. "Let's leave, it's not save." the old man said with his hand in front of his mouth. Radjid scretched his nose to cover his mouth as well and asked for the next time and place. The old man answered. After that the both walked into different directions.

The old man will going to help me, Radjid thought confidently.

He knew him from an interview, about the difference between spy activities before and after the war, years ago. He was a SC-Agent. SC stands for Stem Cell. This kind of agents were so worthy, that they benefit from science development of after tomorrow. They stay young as long as they are useful. One day they decided, that the old man had to go. He was too much old school. So, with a delay of 40 decades he finally grew old. He earned his money with lecture at Langley and wherever they want him to hear.
After that interview Radjid and the old man met here and there and had good and hot discussions concerning God and the world. It always was fascinating to have a glance through the eyes of this old CIA- and WA-veteran. The CIA didn't exist any more. There's the World Agency (WA) now, watching over freedom all over the world. And this old man has given himself the duty to watch the WA as a sacrifice for his “biggest mistake in universe“ as he called it.

They met in the desert at night. Radjid told him about Rigsby, his comment, his blog and his overnight  disappearance from society. Being a persona non grata. "They are after me, old friend“ - “That's how it starts, kid. First they get rid of all critical voices and then, well, fear and mistrust will rule this world. Listen son, my investigations result in the conclusion that everbody is watched by a super intelligent program. We are living in a Big Brother world. Every messageboard, every camera, every input device, every microphone is a spy. You can't even take a breath without being watched. That's why you got to leave your car 2 miles down the street and that's why we whisper and have no technic around." - "So, what can we do?" - " Wait.", the old man answered. "My first strike just started tonight." he smiled maliciously. "You mean, you...?" Radjid swallowed. He did it again. "Meanwhile there are to many people like you Radjid. Vanished people. They disappeared or are dead. It can't go on like this. I had to react. And the only way I can do it, is on an equal footing, via algorythms. And I did Radjid, I did. My reposte will work this time." Rasmus Putin, father of Pac Man The Destroyer, said. "May the old game begin"

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