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Gray's Pov

all of us except Mira , Jess and Mom went outside to find the nearest gas station.

" We should split up into groups and in about an hour we meet up back here" said My dad

we all nodded

" ok umm what about Levy, Lucy and Gajeel as one group and a another  group Elfman,Evergreen and Cana " said my dad

he keep on saying groups I didn't really listen to what he was staying

then before I knew it  everyone was gone

I felt a tap in my shoulder

I turned  around

" Hi, what way should we go" said Erza

" WAIT where on the same group " I said in surprise

" yeah...." said Erza

" ME TOO" said natsu

Dang it I thought

we went south because no one went that direction

all of us stayed quiet

" I'm just glad I'm out of  the car" said Natsu happily. Breaking the silence

" fire brains " I said.  i was still mad at Natsu

" ELSA!!!"



" oh hi Cana " said Erza

" WHAT!!!!!!" me and Natsu said at the same time

and sure enough there was Cana right in front of them

" why are you here ?" asked Natsu confused

" I want to see Gray's Lucky Day" said Cana with a dull face


" fine.....ill see what the cards say...." said Cana look at her cards

" WHAT DOSE IT SAY!!!!" said Natsu happily

" is says you will fall in a snow drift " said Cana dully

" wha-" then natsu fell right into snow drift

"that was quick " said Erza

No one's POV

Gray pulled out his phone and took a picture of natsu stuck in the snow

 " that's my new screen saver" said Gray to himself

" HEY!!!" said Natsu "trying" to get out of the snow

" are we just going to leave him  there " said Erza

" I wish " said Cana

Erza smiled

" watch this Cana " said Erza

" I now what you are going to do" said Cana pulling out her phone

Gray was looking down at Natsu taking more pictures

Erza went behind Gray and pushed him into the drift with Natsu

" STEAM!!!!!" ( steam is another way of saying Natsu x Gray) yelled Cana and Erza taking pictures


Thank you guys for reading

before i end this i need to do a update on this book. so here is goes..

the book you are reading right now is going to End soon but....there well be a Second  volume!!

so i hope you enjoyed....

Gray X Erza College Years ( Completed )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora