Not Afraid To Fight

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Erza's Pov

I was walking through the hallway to get to mine and Mira's room.

" Hey Erza " I heard a creepy  voice say from who knows where. I saw the outline of a person in the shadows.

" what do you want from me....." I said looking at the outline of the person.

" you...." the voice said. then the outline of the person went out of the shadows.

" JELALL!!!" I screamed. I felt he was going to kidnap me or something.

Jellal went closer and closer to me. to the point where we where just inches apart.

I was backed up agent a wall. there was know where to go i was traped.

Ihate to say this but I was scared. why didn't I walk with Mira or someone.

" HEY  YOU!!!!"I heard a voice yelling. they where on the other side of the hallway.

" UHG YOU AGAIN YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUIN MY PLAINS!!!!" yelled Jellal at the voice.

then the person stared the walk fast to where me and Jellal where.

" Gray??!"  I said surprised. I looked at him in shock.

" was this guy hurting you" said gray calmly.

i stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say.

" ok was he trying to force you" Gray said looking at Jellal.

" i think so yes...." i said quietly.

Gray's Pov


i was giving Jellal a death stare. for his final warning to go away. if he didn't I was  NOT AFRAID TO FIGHT


I know it was short but a lot of drama went down :D it is summer know so I am hoping i can start posting more. and also Kadey is going to come back I THINK

so that means the 2 books " 2 Hearts Become One" and " Safe And Sound' well return hopefully cross your fingers : ) Well I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading :D

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