My Love for a Blueberry. (CherryBerry)

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Guy X Guy incoming! So if you don't like stuff like that, well. Ya' better skip this one. =D Sorry for the hassle.

Requested by @-theultimates . I hope you like this Hurricanes Xx

And another thing, i only know very little about UnderSwap or UnderFell, So if i get something wrong, please don't be afraid to tell me.

I ever so slowly opened the backdoor, desperate to not be heard by Papyrus, desperate to avoid another one of his lectures.

"Clear..." I muttered to myself before closing the door with a gentle push of the hand and tip-toeing upstairs to my room.

"Sans!" I heard a voice call from my Brother's room and i froze.

"Yes, Boss?" I sighed then he stormed out of his bedroom to glare down at me.

"Where have you been?" He demanded, folding his arms. I just stood there for a minute, thinking my excuses over then i answered. "At work."

Papyrus squinted his eyes at my blunt reply, his glare turning into a sharp frown.

"Work?" He questioned. I just stood there, looking up at him.

"Fine, Whatever you say!" 

I had a feeling my excuses were no longer working, Papyrus had fallen for my constant lying too much. Looks like i need to come up with something else for next time.

I stayed quiet, waiting for him to give me another one of his dreadful lectures, but he didn't. Instead he just turned around and disappeared into his room, gesturing me to stay put first.

I heard the sound of Papyrus opening his draw and rummaging through piles of paper before coming back, holding a envelope. It wasn't addressed to anyone.

"What's that?" I muttered as he held it in front of my face.

"Are you blind? It's a letter!" 

I glared up at him as i took it from him, running my hand along the top to find it's already been opened.

"You read my letter?" I exclaimed.

"Well, of course! It could've been to anyone of us!" he answered in a sharp tone.

I gave him that one as i pulled out the letter, dropping the brown envelope onto the floor.

"It's from the other you." Papyrus said as i scanned the paper. 

The writing was rushed, but still neat and tidy.

"Yeah, well. There's like a billion other me's" I said with a roll of my eyes, scrunching up the letter and flinging it over my shoulder.

"Well? Are you going?" He asked and i shook my head.

"Nah, i'm not too keen on sleepovers, the last one i went too was a disaster!" I shivered at the memory.

Papyrus just rolled his eyes then went back into his room. I ran up the stairs to mine, slamming the door shut and diving on my bed. 

The letter was an invitation to a sleepover with the small me, the cheery, energetic one. I didn't know why he wanted a sleepover with me all of a sudden, the letter said it'd only be us. But i haven't seen him for a long time now. The last time i hung out with him was when him and i, with the lazy, pun-making fool too, went shopping for grocerys. I remember how they both kept messing around, leaving me to sort them out.

I admit, i ended up having fun then, but why now? And why only us?

I grabbed a bottle of mustard from under my bed, ripping the cap off and taking a mouthful of it. I normally drink mustard while thinking, but mostly because it's an annoying habit of mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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