Grimm's Princess

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◇ A bittersweet App Drama that paints a picture of love amongst beautiful characters!! ◇◇
◇◇ YOU are the protagonist! You get to experience the drama of a Grimm's love as the lead character!! ◇◇
◇◇ The latest game from Japanese app developer GENIUS!! ◇◇

■■ Summary ■■
You are a student without aspirations preparing for college; when suddenly a mysterious wizard appears before you leading you to a world of fairytales.
With your help the princes of this new world: Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty will defend their fairytale world from the approaching danger! Through each battle you and the prince will grow closer...what will be the result of your love? Only you can decide!?

■■ Characters ■■
◆【Narcissist】Alfred (Nickname: Al)
"Do you plan on disobeying my orders? Do you think you have the right to do otherwise?"
The Cinderella Prince. He appears friendly on the outside, but in reality is always scheming. He only sees you as a useful tool to save the world with, but--!?

◆【Calm and Collected】Friedrich (Nickname: Fritz)
"This is the first time I have ever become so earnest about something."
The Sleeping Beauty Prince.A serious personality that is only willing to work with you "because it is necessary". He doesn't have any interest in you at first, but--!?

◆【Mysterious】Christoph (Nickname: Chris)
"I might hate not being able to...see you anymore. So that's why, yes, I guess I'll try a little harder."
The Snow White Prince. He does things at his own pace and is normally very passionate about his research. He won't even show the slightest interest in you either, but--!?

"C'mon, don't worry about stuff so much! I'll always be here to listen to your troubles for you after all!"
Galiza is a wizard and at the same time a witch. He is the one who led you to the fairytale world and is always ready to lead you astray with his puzzling actions and speech. He is the only person who knows the full truth behind this world.

"Hah, did you think I would obediently give it back to you just like that?"
Wolf is a death god trying to reap your soul. He is cocky and only sees you as his prey. He usually looks down on you, but--!?

■■ Recommended if you... ■■
"Twilight Romance" is recommended for you if...
・You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are about romance
・You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centric they can be...
・You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance/drama apps like Voltage or Arithmetic.
・You like entertainment and fiction based on Grimms.
・You like Japanese content
Aside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for all women to enjoy!!

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