Shall we date?: Heian Love

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Please note: How to change the language?

Start the application, tap オプション(OPTION), select 言語環境 (LANGUAGE), tap はい (YES).


★This application is a dating simulation game.

★Both Japanese and English versions are available within the application.


An anonymous love letter was where it all began...

Will the web of power, status and jealousy prevent you from making your love bear fruit?

Or, will your love never blossom?

What fate lies in store for you?

A Love Simulation Game set in the Heian Period in Japan has come out in Japanese/English!


-An Emperor with a frozen heart-

Emperor Kuze

Perhaps I will visit your room tonight...but don't get the wrong idea

- Lord of the Moonlight-


Me, a good person?

There is much about me you do not know

- A beguiling wizard-


If you want to peek inside my heart, you must show inside yours as well

- A pure, unspoilt youth-


I've have you know that I've matured as well.

- An older man donning the mask of reason-

Lord Masakuni

Many times have I get my hands on you.

You can also see other handsome guys!

You can play the 5 characters above stories by purchasing this application.


The age of refinement-

You have entered the elegant imperial court of ancient Kyoto as a lady attendant. As someone born in the countryside, life at the imperial court is new and perplexing to you.

One day, you were planning on attending a poetry contest organized by the emperor, but a sudden stomach ache has prevented you from going.

Your excitement has turned into sadness, and the sleeves of your kimono are stained with tears. That's when a single love letter arrives.

As you read it, the beautiful and delicate poem inside conveys the writer's passion and you instantly fall in love.

"Who... sent me this poem?"

In your search for the sender, you meet many handsome gentlemen.

"Could my poet really be one of them?"

Which one of these gentlemen around you is going to win your heart?

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