I Miss You

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POV Ethan
It's been a day without Snow. It's tough knowing that she may never wake up, but David says that there's a chance that she will. I just need to stay strong for her. She can wake up at anytime. And when she does I'll be waiting for her. "I love you Snow."

POV Ethan
It's been a week without Snow. Wow. It seems like forever. I visit her everyday. The rest of the team leaders seem miserable without her. I don't blame them though. I miss her so much. But I'll be waiting for her when she does open her eyes. "I love you Snow."

POV Ethan
It's been a month without Snow. It's hard honestly. I hardly go out anymore. I just stay in her "hospital"  room. My skin has gotten a bit more pale because I haven't gone out in so long. I've gotten a bit more thinner, but being skinny is good, right? All of a sudden I heard the machine hooked up to Snow's heart drop. BEEEEP I looked around panicked. "David! David! Please help!" I screamed holding onto Snow's hand. David ran into the room and immediately started to work on Snow. He didn't even notice I was there. Soon I relaxed when I heard.beep....beep...beep Thank god she was okay. David soon left the room exhausted. I gripped onto Snow's hand. "I miss you Snow. Hurry  and wake up. I love you"

POV Ethan
It's been 4 months. Yadira started making me get out of Snow's room. But when I do, I just go back to our house. It was Snow's and I's technically. Throughout the months, Snow's vitals have continued to drop. Though David didn't say it, I knew that Snow was dying. She was truly going to die. And that made me go mad. I just recently started cutting. If Snow wasn't going to wake up, then neither was I. She was the only thing I have left. I can't lose her. I can't lose her like I lost Grayson. I wondered if she would be disappointed. I wondered if she wanted to wake up. I wondered if she was just toying with me and my emotions. Everyone has been worried about me. Though they're just an annoyance. They didn't need to worry about me. I would be fine as long as Snow stayed alive. I looked around our house. It was haunting. Everything about it reminded me of her. I liked it sit on the roof most of the time. Snow and I would sit up there for hours and just stare at the stars. She'd laugh and tell stories about them. She said that every star was a soul of someone special. When I asked her why they're so many special people, she told me that everyone in their own way was special. And I guess she was right. She made me feel like I was special. She made the team leaders feel like they were special. She made her brothers feel like they were special. She was special. She would be the biggest star up there in the night sky. Everyone she met she made them feel special. So why don't I feel special anymore? Why do I not feel her love towards me? Why don't I feel like I matter anymore? With her I am everything, but without her I'm nothing. I don't want to give up on life. I want to smile and believe that she will wake up. But this isn't some type of fairytale.
We weren't living the perfect fairytale
I wasn't a prince who could save the princess from danger.
We couldn't move into our own castle and live happily ever after.
Because this type of fairytale has an evil Queen who stole my happiness.
And burned it to ashes before I could take it back.

POV The Queen
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I screamed as I marched through the halls. It had been four months since she stole my crown. My precious crown. How dare she. How dare she come back here and take away my crown. I had burn marks on my face and arms, but those were covered with makeup. Without my crown what kind of Queen would I be? "Have you found her yet? Have you found that hideous  beast who stole my crown?" I said as I questioned a guard. "No my queen I apologize." He said back. I stared at him and raised my arm and struck him. How dare he. What kind of guard is he? I glared at him,"Hurry up and find that beast. She came into my castle without you guys knowing. She burned my army equipment and held back  my war. She came into my chambers and burned it to the ground. And whose fault is that? That they were so distracted that they let their queen get hurt. I should eliminate all of you for even letting her into my castle!" I screamed at all the guards. I then grabbed one of their guns and pointed it at one of them. "I should kill you all on the spot! My crown is gone! Do you hear me? It's gone!" I screamed still holding the gun. I looked around. There were about 35 guards in the room. 35 dead guards wouldn't make a difference. My crown is gone. And that's that. "My queen," one guard said,"I apologize for the recent mistakes. If paying with my life makes you feel better, then do it. What we did was un-excusable. No harm should have ever come towards you or the princess." As he says this he bows his head. I stare at him gun still in my hand. I looked at every guard. They were all staring back at me fear in their eyes. Even though they could easily kill me, the stood back getting ready to be shot. Princess Makalya walked out of a room. I glared at her. Yes, it was her fault that my crown was gone. All her fault. She told me the beast that haunted my dreams were gone. She lied me to. My most loyal tool lied to me. She should be punished. No, she would be punished. "My queen please go ahead and shoot these guards. There are many like them. They won't be missed." Makalya said walking over with a limp from her old bullet wound. Everyone in this kingdom was just a tool and nothing more. They could all be replaced easily. It wouldn't be hard. Nobody here was useful to me at the moment. I smiled at the thought. "Oh you loyal guard. I forgive you. You're so beautiful," as I said this I held the guard by his face and smiled. He smiled back at me. Everyone in the room relaxed. BOOM I pulled the gun away as I shot the guard. "You won't change anything. You won't change my plan. You won't change my emotions. You are nothing but a loyal guard." The guard looked at me shocked holding his stomach. "My queen. But why?" He asked kneeling down gripping his stomach. I smiled at him and dropped the gun. I turned my back and walked away. Blood dropped from my hands. "Because you can't bring back what's precious to me, you never will." As I finally walked into my chamber I looked around. Half of it was burnt up, but it was being repaired. I walked towards my dresser and pulled out a picture. It was a picture of who I use to be. I smiled looking at the picture of my children and my husband. "We can all burn here together."

Thank you for everyone who came back to read this story. I'm so sorry I made Ethan suicidal, but I promise it's going to be better😭😭 Half of you will remember the little "poem" about fairytales. I really hope you liked this story and thank you for reading it. Please vote for this story and share with your friends.

My Queen {Dolan Twins} on holdWhere stories live. Discover now